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Re: Interpoint distances

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg41353] Re: [mg41327] Interpoint distances
  • From: jmt <jmt at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 04:09:03 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: jmt at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

One remark first : in many applications, the euclidian distance needs 
not to be computed since most of the time the square of the euclidian 
distance will suffice. Computing a square root when not necessary will 
burden your algorithm.

Second remark : your example suggests that you want to compute the 
interpoint distance of a set of points. Depending on the size of this 
set, Mathematica will or will not use PackedArray. It is then difficult 
to give a universal answer.

On Wednesday 14 May 2003 14:20, DIAMOND Mark R. wrote:
> I am trying to find an efficient method of calculating all the
> pairwise (Euclidean) interpoint distances in a given list of points
> in R^2. I am sure that if my matrix algebra were any good, this would
> be solvable in a better manner than I have done it. Ideally, I would
> like to count each pair of points only once, and not count points
> paired with themselves.I've searched the archive, and tried the
> obvious combinations of words on Google, but no luck.
> My slow method (but the fastest of those I've tried) is
> (* Define a distance function for a pair of points *)
> distance[{{x0_, y0_}, {x1_, y1_}}] := Module[
>     {
>       xd = x0 - x1,
>       yd = y0 - y1
>       },
>     Sqrt[xd^2 + yd^2]
>     ]
> (* Create a list of random points with which to experiment *)
> t=Table[{Random[], Random[]}, {1024}]
> (* Union in the next line is just used to get rid of all the
> duplicates, and to dump all but one of the 0 interpoint distances
> between a point and itself *)
> interpointDistances = Union[Map[distance, Flatten[Outer[List, t, t,
> 1], 1]]];
> I would be very grateful for any suggestions for improvement.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> --
> Mark R. Diamond

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