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Re: Re: equiprobable intervals with triangular pdf

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg41493] Re: [mg41475] Re: equiprobable intervals with triangular pdf
  • From: Bobby Treat <drmajorbob+MathGroup3528 at>
  • Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 06:57:44 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I corrected a couple of errors (dist undefined in equiProb, x arguments 
not needed in Mean, Variance, Mode, etc.) and I extended the code to 
asymmetric triangular distributions.  I learned a lot in the process, 
but not enough, I'm thinking!

I even started handling the two special cases, where the mode is at one 
of the endpoints.  That got really complicated if I defined those to be 
TriangularDistribution[a_,a_,c_] or TriangularDistribution[a_,c_,c_], 
and it got really tedious (hence unfinished) when I gave those 
distributions their own names.  I wonder if there's a best way to 
handle that?  (The tedious way, I'm thinking.)

OVER and OVER I ran into problems getting things to Simplify properly.  
For instance CDF applied to the results of equiProb doesn't simplify, 
if we leave things symbolic.

The behavior of UnitStep precisely at 0 was often a problem, too.  That 
made the following line necessary:

TriangularDistribution /: Quantile[TriangularDistribution[a_, b_, c_], 
1] := c

Very annoying.  I was free to use Which or If in some cases but held to 
UnitStep instead -- and that may have caused some of my problems.  But, 
for the PDF at least, I needed UnitStep.

ClearAll[TriangularDistribution, DescendingTriangularDistribution,
     AscendingTriangularDistribution, a, b, c, x, dist];

TriangularDistribution::usage = "TriangularDistribution[a, b, c] 
     the triangular distribution defined on the interval [a, c] with 
peak at \
b.\n TriangularDistribution[a, c] is TriangularDistribution[a, (a+c)/2, 

DescendingTriangularDistribution::usage = \
"DescendingTriangularDistribution[a, b] is equivalent to \
TriangularDistribution[a, a, b]";

AscendingTriangularDistribution::usage = 
"AscendingTriangularDistribution[a, \
b] is equivalent to TriangularDistribution[a, b, b]";

TriangularDistribution[args__] /; ! OrderedQ[{args}] := \
TriangularDistribution @@ Sort[{args}]

TriangularDistribution[a_, b_, b_] := 
AscendingTriangularDistribution[a, b]
TriangularDistribution[a_, a_, b_] := 
DescendingTriangularDistribution[a, b]
TriangularDistribution[a_, c_] := TriangularDistribution[a, (a + c)/2, 

AscendingTriangularDistribution /: 
      c_], x_] :=
     Evaluate[Simplify[((2*(-a + x))/((a - c)*(a - c)))*(UnitStep[x - a] 
                    UnitStep[x - c])]]

DescendingTriangularDistribution /: 
PDF[DescendingTriangularDistribution[a_, \
c_], x_] :=
                 Evaluate[Simplify[(-((2*(c - x))/((a - c)*(-a + \
c))))*(UnitStep[x - a] - UnitStep[x - c])]]

TriangularDistribution /: PDF[TriangularDistribution[a_, b_, c_], x_] 
      Evaluate[Block[{one, two}, one = (2*(-a + x))/((a - b)*(a - c));
      two = -((2*(c - x))/((b - c)*(-a + c)));
      Simplify[UnitStep[x - a]*one + UnitStep[x - b]*(two -
             one) - UnitStep[x - c]*two]]]

TriangularDistribution /: CDF[TriangularDistribution[a_, b_,
    c_], x_] := 
      a, b, c], x], x], a < b < c]]

TriangularDistribution /: Mean[TriangularDistribution[a_,
         b_, c_]] := Simplify[(a + b + c)/3];

TriangularDistribution /: Mode[TriangularDistribution[a_, b_, c_]] := b;

TriangularDistribution /: Variance[TriangularDistribution[a_, b_, c_]] 
:= \
Simplify[((a + b + c)^2 - 3*(a*b + b*c + a*c))/18];

TriangularDistribution /: StandardDeviation[TriangularDistribution[a_, 
b_, \
c_]] := Sqrt[Simplify[((a + b + c)^2 - 3*(a*b + b*c + a*c))/18]];

TriangularDistribution /: Moment[
    TriangularDistribution[a_, b_,
        c_], (n_Integer)?NonNegative] :=
              Simplify[(2*(a^(2 + n)*b - a*
                     b^(2 + n) - a^(2 + n)*c + b^(2 + n)*c + (a - 
b)*c^(2 + \
n)))/((a - b)*(a - c)*(b - c)*(1 + n)*(2 + n))]

TriangularDistribution /: Quantile[TriangularDistribution[a_,
    b_, c_], 1] := c
TriangularDistribution /: Quantile[TriangularDistribution[
    a_, b_, c_], q_] := Evaluate[Block[{cutoff = (a - b)/(a - c),
        one = a - Sqrt[a - b]*Sqrt[a - c]*Sqrt[q], two =
              c - Sqrt[(-(a - c))*(b - c)*(-1 + q)]},
      UnitStep[q]*one + UnitStep[q - cutoff]*(two - one) - UnitStep[q -

TriangularDistribution /: equiProb[TriangularDistribution[a_, b_,
  c_], (n_Integer)?
     Positive] := Partition[Table[Quantile[TriangularDistribution[a, b, 
c], k/
    n], {k, 0, n}], 2, 1];

dist = TriangularDistribution[0, 1, 1/7];
       x] & /@ {PDF, CDF, Quantile, x &}], {x, 0, 1}, PlotStyle -> 
{Yellow, \
Red, Blue, Black}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, ImageSize -> 150];


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Hanlon <bobhanlon at>
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg41493] [mg41475] Re: equiprobable intervals with triangular pdf

It is generally better to define piecewise continuous functions with 

It is also recommended that you follow the conventions used in
Statistics`ContinuousDistributions` for defining distributions so that 
use of
your distribution is consistent with use of the standard distributions.


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