Re: T for Transpose
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg41670] Re: T for Transpose
- From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
- Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 03:56:17 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: Universitaet Leipzig
- References: <bb4uib$42o$>
- Reply-to: kuska at
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi, if you are working with the frontend an you use a super script MakeExpression[SuperscriptBox[a_, "T"], form_] := MakeExpression[RowBox[{"Transpose", "[", a, "]"}], form] will do that. Regards Jens Will Self wrote: > > I am using Mathematica 4.0. > > My student wants to use the basic input palette to enter a matrix, and > then wants to use CONTROL-6 T to put the exponent T on the matrix, > indicating a transpose. Is there a way to coerce Mathematica to > interpret this as the transpose of a matrix and return the appropriate > result? > > Will