Re: UH oh, integration of rational functions has a bug.
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg41666] Re: [mg41650] UH oh, integration of rational functions has a bug.
- From: Richard Fateman <fateman at>
- Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 03:56:15 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: computer science division, UC Berkeley
- References: <> <>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Murray Eisenberg wrote: > I see nothing strange here: you have a fifth degree polynomial in the > denominator (when a -> c) whose roots cannot be found in closed form. > When a -> 10, they can be, so a partial fraction decomposition can proceed. The answer for a=c should be the same except for c substituted for a. It isn't. It has Integrate`V[1][6] in it. This strange item only appears the second (and later) time, I think, which is why I gave the sequence of calculations. As for the answer generically, it would be nice if the result for general "a" also covered the answer for a=10. Mathematica tends to give answers with a hidden caveat, namely that for some unknown subset of parameter values the answer is wrong. Sometimes the answer is wrong for ALL values of the parameter. (Construct an answer false for a>=0 and another one false for a<0. Add them). It is a thought that in the constrained circumstances here, something more correct could be devised. RJF > > > Richard Fateman wrote: > >> Mathematica 4.1 >> >> In[1]:= 1 + 5*x + a*x^2 + 10*x^3 + 5*x^4 + x^5 >> >> >> Integrate[1/%, x] >> >> %1 /. a -> 10 >> >> Integrate[1/%, x] >> >> %1 /. a -> c >> >> Integrate[1/%, x] >> >> InputForm[%] ===> >> >> RootSum[1 + 5*#1 + c*#1^2 + 10*#1^3 + 5*#1^4 + #1^5 & , >> Log[x - #1]/(5 + 30*#1^2 + 20*#1^3 + 5*#1^4 + >> 2*#1*Integrate`V[1][6]) & ] >> >> WHAT is THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ?? and why did it not >> appear in the identical problem where there was an "a" >> instead of a "c" ?? >> >> It is somehow dependent on the sequence of commands. >> >> >> >
- References:
- UH oh, integration of rational functions has a bug.
- From: Richard Fateman <>
- UH oh, integration of rational functions has a bug.