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Re: Unformatted File IO

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg44481] Re: [mg44432] Unformatted File IO
  • From: Yasvir Tesiram <yat at>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 08:01:30 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <> <> <000801c3a6e3$e83fd3f0$6401a8c0@bcolletti>
  • Reply-to: yat at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Using Record instead of Word and then doing a string replacement on the 
first Record in the List.

handle = OpenRead["test.txt"];
z = ReadList[handle, Record,
     RecordSeparators -> {"\n"},
     RecordLists -> True]

StringReplace[z[[1]], {"\" " -> ", ", "\"" -> ""}]

But you would have to make a pattern matcher and replacer for all your 
different types of lines if you use Record. For example, z[[2]] is 
separated by whitespace rather than commas.

Alternatively you can use the construct below or Jens-Peer Kuskas 
suggestion of Import["test.txt","Table"] where the StringReplace rules 
may be easier to apply.

Theres got to be a more hassle free way. I just can't think of one off hand.


Bruce W. Colletti wrote:
> Yas
> The code splits "hello there" which must stay intact as a list element.  Any
> ideas?  Thanks.
> Bruce
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Yasvir tesiram" <yat at>
To: mathgroup at
>>The contents of test.txt are as you state below.
>>/*check to see that the file is there*/
>>(*open a file handle to the file (handle), read in the contents line by
>>line (RecordSeparator) as words separated by any of the possible
>>separators (WordSeparators) *)
>>(*note the "\"" in the list of WordSeprators is intentional because of
>>your double quoted strings*)
>>handle = OpenRead["test.txt"];
>>z = ToExpression[
>>     ReadList[handle, Word, RecordSeparators -> {"\n"},
>>       WordSeparators -> {" ", "\t", "\""}, RecordLists -> True]
>>     ]
>>Bruce W. Colletti wrote:
>>>I have an unformatted text file whose records hold reals and
> double-quoted
>>>strings, all delimited by spaces, e.g.,
>>>    "hello there"  2.7
>>>    1 2 3 4
>>>    9    "abc"      "def"
>>>How can I read the file to produce a list of lists, e.g., {{hello there,
> 2.7},
>>>{1,2,3,4}, {9, abc, def}}?

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