RE: Re: filled plot on part of x-interval
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg44702] RE: [mg44664] Re: filled plot on part of x-interval
- From: "David Park" <djmp at>
- Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 05:13:23 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Suppose we want to split the plot into three portions so that the center line will have the same plot points as the fill and not leave gaps. And suppose that we want to label each of the three regions, specifying the labels in each of the three plots. (I also changed your FilledPlot so one actually does obtain a filled plot.) Needs["Graphics`Graphics`"]; Needs["Graphics`Colors`"]; Needs["Graphics`FilledPlot`"]; DisplayTogether[ Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2}, PlotStyle -> Red, Epilog -> {Text["Left", {1, -0.2}]}, ImageSize -> 450], FilledPlot[Sin[x], {x, 2, 8}, Fills -> LightBlue, AxesFront -> True, Epilog -> {Text["Center", {5, 0.2}]}], Plot[Sin[x], {x, 8, 10}, PlotStyle -> Red, Epilog -> {Text["Right", {9, -0.2}]}]]; The resulting plot is not what one probably intended. Only the left Epilog label was picked up. Also the AxesFront option was lost from the FilledPlot, but not the Fills option. ImageSize was picked up because it was in the first plot. In other words, overall plot options are only picked up from the first plot in the DisplayTogether statement. The solution is either put them all in the first plot, or remove them from the individual plots and put them at the end. DisplayTogether[ Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2}, PlotStyle -> Red], FilledPlot[Sin[x], {x, 2, 8}, Fills -> LightBlue], Plot[Sin[x], {x, 8, 10}, PlotStyle -> Red], Epilog -> {Text["Left", {1, -0.2}], Text["Center", {5, 0.2}], Text["Right", {9, -0.2}]}, AxesFront -> True, ImageSize -> 450]; The only advantage of DrawGraphics is that instead of dealing with various plots and worrying about what options are picked up, you draw the graphical elements directly and always put the overall plot options at the end. Needs["DrawGraphics`DrawingMaster`"] Draw2D[ {Red, Draw[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2}], Black, FilledDraw[Sin[x], {x, 2, 8}, Fills -> LightBlue], Red, Draw[Sin[x], {x, 8, 10}], Black, Text["Left", {1, -0.2}], Text["Center", {5, 0.2}], Text["Right", {9, -0.2}]}, Axes -> True, AxesFront -> True, ImageSize -> 450]; David Park djmp at From: AES/newspost [mailto:siegman at] To: mathgroup at I'll still assert that something like: Needs["Graphics`Graphics`"]; Needs["Graphics`Colors`"]; Needs["Graphics`FilledPlot`"]; DisplayTogether[ FilledPlot[{Sin[x], Sin[x]}, {x,2,8}], Plot[Sin[x], {x,0,10}, PlotStyle->Red]]; is clear, simple, flexible, and readable -- and allows you to easily modify the styles (linewidths, colors) of the different components of the plot independently, as done here, and add additional stuff if you like. DisplayTogether is your friend -- haven't run into a headache with it yet.