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Re: Re: How do I get Timing results in Out[]//<Message>?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg43931] Re: [mg43920] Re: [mg43917] How do I get Timing results in Out[]//<Message>?
  • From: Michael Williams <williams at>
  • Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 04:04:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

For additional discussion of this topic, see Omega Consultiung's most recent (always
interesting) ezine:  


On  10/12/03,  akoz at (Andrzej Kozlowski)  said:

>How about this:
>$Pre = Function[{x}, Module[{y}, (Print[First[Timing[y = x]]]; y)],  
>For example:
> From In[5]:=
>1.04 Second
>Not exactly as you have described it, but perhaps functionally  
>equivalent (?)
>On Saturday, October 11, 2003, at 06:07 PM, Scott Centoni wrote:
>> Thanks, but what I want is to put the timing info into the blue  
>> Out[123]= line, not into the output itself, so it doesn't interfere  
>> with things like IdentityMatrix[3]//MatrixForm, and %/%% and doesn't  
>> crowd out or obscure the important stuff, the output.
>> But I don't know enough about how the Out[]//stuff and display forms  
>> work.
>> On Saturday, October 11, 2003, at 10:18  Uhr, Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:
>>> On Saturday, October 11, 2003, at 02:33 PM, Scott Centoni wrote:
>>>> I remember reading a very neat tip on how to get Timing[] wrapped  
>>>> around
>>>> every evaluation by default, and the results printed out in the blue
>>>> Out[123]= line for each output cell in the notebook so that it  
>>>> doesn't
>>>> clutter up your output.  I think I remember reading this tip in The
>>>> Mathematica Journal, but I can't find it.  Do any of you know what  
>>>> I'm
>>>> referring to?
>>>> Note that this is rather like
>>>> In[54]:=
>>>> IdentityMatrix[4]//TableForm
>>>> Out[54]//TableForm=
>>>>         {{1, 0, 0, 0},
>>>>          {0, 1, 0, 0},
>>>>          {0, 0, 1, 0},
>>>>          {0, 0, 0, 1}
>>>>          }
>>>> and completely different from the following trick at the support web
>>>> site to put the timing in the status line, the lower left corner of  
>>>> the
>>>> window:
>>>>> How do I get Mathematica to display the timing of an evaluation in
>>>>> lower-left corner of my notebook?
>>>>> You can have the timing of each evaluation displayed in the
>>>>> lower-left corner of a notebook by going to the Option Inspector and
>>>>> adding the value "ShowTiming" to the option
>>>>> Notebook Options|Evaluation Options|EvaluationCompletionAction
>>>> ( 
>>>> displaytiming.html)
>>>> which I find almost useless because as soon as your 5-minute  
>>>> evaluation
>>>> finishes, it's timing is overwritten by the one after it, which only
>>>> takes 0.04 seconds.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Scott
>>> I am not sure this is the same method as the one you are referring  
>>> to, but setting:
>>> $Pre = Function[{x}, Timing[x], HoldAll];
>>> should do what you want. eg:
>>> In[2]:=
>>> Map[PrimeQ,Range[10^3]];
>>> Out[2]=
>>> {0.06 Second,Null}
>>> Andrzej Kozlowski
>>> Yokohama, Japan
>>            |---------------------------------------------------------|
>>            | Scott A Centoni               <scentoni at> |
>>            | ETH Z¸rich               Integrated Systems Laboratory  |
>>            | Gloriastrasse 35                              ETZ J88   |
>>            | CH-8092 Z¸rich                    Tel: +41 1 632 66 85  |
>>            | Switzerland                       Fax: +41 1 632 11 94  |
>>            |---------------------------------------------------------|
>Andrzej Kozlowski
>Yokohama, Japan

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