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Something really wrong with FindRoot or NDSolve in Mathematica 5.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg43961] Something really wrong with FindRoot or NDSolve in Mathematica 5.0
  • From: Artūras Acus <acus at>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 04:15:57 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear Group,

Here is the example which worked really fine with 4.1
and completely refuses to work with 5.0:

teisingasKampas = 
   (u[\[Xi]] /. First[sprendinys1 =
NDSolve[{Derivative[2][\[Psi]][\[Xi]] == (\[Xi]^2 - energija)*
            \[Psi][\[Xi]], Derivative[1][u][\[Xi]] == \[Psi][\[Xi]]^2,
\[Psi][\[Xi]min] == 0, 
          Derivative[1][\[Psi]][\[Xi]min] == kampas, u[\[Xi]min] == 0},
{\[Psi][\[Xi]], u[\[Xi]]}, 
         {\[Xi], \[Xi]min, \[Xi]max}]] /. \[Xi] -> \[Xi]max) == 1,
{kampas, -0.04, 0.04}, 
   MaxIterations -> 30]

It uses FindRoot to find shooting angle for derivative. In 5.0 Mathematica 
complains about undefined symbol value of kampas.  I need to modify 
modify this code as little as possible to make it work.

Sincerely. Arturas Acus

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