Re: Subscript Variable
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg47666] Re: [mg20188] Subscript Variable
- From: tastetations2002 at (Margaret)
- Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 05:23:04 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: The Math Forum
- References: <7u7rfr$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi, I would like to know in simple language how I insert subscript or superscript into my e-mails. 75 degrees for eg. the stuff below is for a programmer which I am not. Any help will be appreciated. Tks, M. On 15 Oct 1999 14:23:55 -0400, David Park wrote: >Michel, > >A couple of months ago Carl Woll posted one solution to this problem. Essentially he >changed the Attributes of Subscript to HoldFirst, and added SubscriptInformation and >ClearSubscripts routines. I liked his routine so much I made a little package of it >and extended it slightly. Here are examples of it's use. > >< Algebra`WollSubscripts` > >?Algebra`WollSubscripts >"WollSubscripts sets the attributes of Subscript to HoldFirst so that it can \ >be used like a symbol. Subscript definitions can be defined. The additional \ >routines ClearSubscripts and SubscriptInformation are also provided." > >?ClearSubscripts >"ClearSubscripts[sym1, sym2,...] will clear all Subscript definitions based \ >on the symbols." > >?SubscriptInformation >"SubscriptInformation[sym1, sym2,...] will print the Subscript definitions \ >based on the symbols." > >Here I use InputFormat so it will be readable in email. > >Subscript[f, 1][x_] = x^2 + 1; >Subscript[f, 2][x_] = x^3 - 1; > >SubscriptInformation[f] >Subscript[f, 1][x_] = 1 + x^2 >Subscript[f, 2][x_] = -1 + x^3 > >?? Subscript >"Subscript has been given the Attribute HoldFirst so that it can be \ >used like a symbol and be given definitions." >Attributes["Subscript"] = {HoldFirst} >Subscript[f, 1][x_] = 1 + x^2 >Subscript[f, 2][x_] = -1 + x^3 > >Subscript[f, 2][y] - Subscript[f, 1][y] >-2 - y^2 + y^3 > >ClearSubscripts[f] >SubscriptInformation[f] >(none) > >?? Subscript >"Subscript has been given the Attribute HoldFirst so that it can be \ >used like a symbol and be given definitions." >Attributes["Subscript"] = {HoldFirst} > >I am pasting the notebook that creates the package at the end of the email. The >package should be placed in the AddOns/ExtraPackages/Algebra directory. > >David Park >djmp at ><a href=""></a> > >>Hello, >> >>I have a problem about subscript variables. >> >>First Question : >> >>If I use a variable named Subscript[x,1] , >>(typed in with Ctrl _) >> >>I can affect a value to this variable, get value of expressions >>involving this variable, clear this variable with . but not with Clear[] >>! >> >>This variable is not given when I ask Names["x*"] and I cannot get >>information on it with ?. >> >> >>Second Question : >> >>If I use such a variable in order to define a function with >> f1[x_]=x^2+1 >>I cannot clear the variable with f1=. >>(of course, just above f1 means Subscript[f,1]) >> >> >>Thanks a lot for any help >> >> >>J.Michel CORNIL >> > > >(*********************************************************************** > > Mathematica-Compatible Notebook > >This notebook can be used on any computer system with Mathematica 4.0, >MathReader 4.0, or any compatible application. 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Subscript \ >definitions can be defined. The additional routines ClearSubscripts and \ >SubscriptInformation are also provided.\>"\)], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > >Cell[BoxData[ > \(\(ClearSubscripts::usage = "\<ClearSubscripts[sym1, sym2,...] will \ >clear all Subscript definitions based on the symbols.\>";\)\)], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > >Cell[BoxData[ > \(\(SubscriptInformation::usage = "\<SubscriptInformation[sym1, sym2,...] \ >will print the Subscript definitions based on the symbols.\>";\)\)], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > >Cell[BoxData[ > \(Begin["\<`Private`\>"]\)], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > >Cell[BoxData[{ > \(\(SetAttributes[ > ClearSubscripts, {HoldAll}];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", > \(ClearSubscripts[a__]\ := \[IndentingNewLine]\ > Module[{b}, \[IndentingNewLine]DownValues[Subscript]\ = > Cases[DownValues[Subscript], \((b_\ :> \ _)\)\ /; \ > FreeQ[b, > HoldPattern[ > Subscript[ > Alternatives[a], \ __]]]]; \[IndentingNewLine]SubValues[ > Subscript]\ = > Cases[SubValues[Subscript], \((b_\ :> \ _)\)\ /; \ > FreeQ[b, > HoldPattern[ > Subscript[ > Alternatives[ > a], \ __]]]];\[IndentingNewLine]]\)}], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > >Cell[BoxData[{ > StyleBox[\(SetAttributes[SubscriptInformation, \ {HoldAll}];\), > FormatType->StandardForm], "\n", > StyleBox[\(SubscriptInformation[syms__]\ := \[IndentingNewLine]\ > Module[{PrintDownValue}, \[IndentingNewLine]PrintDownValue[\(Verbatim[ > HoldPattern]\)[a_]\ :> \ b_]\ := \ > Print[HoldForm[ > a\ = \ > b]]; \[IndentingNewLine]PrintDownValue\ /@ \((DeleteCases[ > Join[DownValues[Subscript], > SubValues[Subscript]], \ \((b_\ :> \ _)\)\ /; \ > FreeQ[b, > HoldPattern[ > Subscript[ > Alternatives[ > syms], \ __]]]])\);\[IndentingNewLine]]\), > FormatType->StandardForm]}], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > >Cell[BoxData[ > \(End[]\)], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > >Cell[BoxData[ > \(Protect[ClearSubscripts, SubscriptInformation]\)], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > >Cell[BoxData[ > \(EndPackage[]\)], "Input", > InitializationCell->True] >}, Open ]] >}, Open ]] >}, >FrontEndVersion->"4.0 for Microsoft Windows", >ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1024}, {0, 683}}, >AutoGeneratedPackage->Automatic, >InitializationCellEvaluation->False, >WindowSize->{591, 571}, >WindowMargins->{{Automatic, 94}, {Automatic, 21}} >] > > >(*********************************************************************** >Cached data follows. 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