RE: Drawing a HEART in mathematica?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg46279] RE: [mg46268] Drawing a HEART in mathematica?
- From: "David Park" <djmp at>
- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 02:28:47 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
For those who have DrawGraphics this is my attempt at a Valentine plot. Needs["DrawGraphics`DrawingMaster`"] ptlist = {{0, 0}, {0.149827`, 0.174208`}, {0.324045`, 0.348426`}, {0.45645`, 0.536581`}, {0.6237`, 0.738673`}, {0.797917`, 0.947735`}, {0.937292`, 1.14983`}, {0.986072`, 1.4007`}, {0.94426`, 1.58886`}, {0.763074`, 1.7352`}, {0.651574`, 1.89548`}, {0.5122`, 1.96517`}, {0.331014`, 1.94426`}, {0.170733`, 1.86064`}, {0, 1.77004`}}; vlineright = SplineToLine[ptlist, Bezier, 40]; vlineleft = vlineright /. {x_, y_} -> {-x, y}; heart = StitchLineSegments[{vlineright, Reverse /@ vlineleft}]; lace = Partition[First@heart, 2, 1]; lacepiece[{pt1_, pt2_}] := Module[{size, center, \[Theta]0}, center = (pt1 + pt2)/2; size = Sqrt[(pt2 - pt1) . (pt2 - pt1)]/2; {White, Disk[center, size], Black, Circle[center, size]}] Draw2D[ {lacepiece /@ lace, ColorMix[Red, White][0.4], heart /. Line -> Polygon, AbsoluteThickness[2], LightPink, heart, White, Text[ StyleForm[ "\[ScriptCapitalB]\[ScriptE] \[ScriptCapitalM]\[ScriptY] \ \[ScriptCapitalV]\[ScriptA]\[ScriptL]\[ScriptE]\[ScriptN]\[ScriptT]\[ScriptI ]\ \[ScriptN]\[ScriptE]", FontSize -> 26], {0.00668153, 1.18497}], CadetBlue, Text[ StyleForm[ "\[ScriptCapitalC]\[ScriptH]\[ScriptA]\[ScriptR]\[ScriptL]\[ScriptI]\ \[ScriptE]", FontSize -> 20], {0.242764, 0.877616}]}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-0.1, 2}}, ImageSize -> 450, Background -> OldLace]; David Park djmp at From: Charlie Bishop [mailto:charliebishop at] To: mathgroup at can anyone suggest some code or a graph (or several graphs) that I could plot in mathematic to display the image of a heart? trying to make a homemade valentine for my girl.. and being a Physics/Math major it seems appropriatte to be a bit geeky about it :) I can't seem to get it look right though.. so can someone help? - Charlie