Re: Compile
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg45430] Re: Compile
- From: Maxim <dontsendhere@.>
- Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 01:09:33 -0500 (EST)
- References: <btduoc$di$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Fred Simons wrote: > Many people already commented on Maxim Retin's strange example: > > subs = x->x^2 > Plot[ x /. subs, {x, 0,1}, Compiled->...] > > produces different plots depending on the value used in the option Compiled. > > I think that the value of an example like this one is that it may help a > user of Mathematica in getting a better understanding of the way Mathematica > works. Nobody, not even Maxim himself, will ever try to make a plot of x^2 > in this way. > > Here are some observations that I made about this example. > > In a command like Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 1}] the symbol x is a local variable. > The way Mathematica deals with these local variables depends on the command > in which it is used. I will shortly discuss three examples: Table, > NIntegrate and Plot.. > > The output of the following command > > y:=x; > Table[Information[x];Print[y]; x, {x, 1, 3}] > > shows that in the function Table in each step a value is assigned to the > local variable x; no immediate substitution in the first argument takes > place. > > The function NIntegrate behaves differently: > > y:=x; > NIntegrate[Information[x];Print[y]; x, {x, 0,1}, Compiled\[Rule]True] > > Both with Compiled->True and Compiled->False, no matter how many steps are > used in the integration procedure, the first argument is called only once > and no value has been assigned to the local variable x. (Mathematica 4 > behaves differently). Using Trace in the next command, we see how > Mathematica proceeds. It evaluates the first argument symbolically, taking > into account global variables that may occur in the first argument, and uses > the outcome in the numerical integration. This is Maxim's example: > > subs = x -> x^2; > NIntegrate[ x /. subs, {x, 0, 1}, Compiled -> True] > > Compiled->False yields the same result. > > Now we turn to Plot: > > y:=x; > Plot[Information[x];Print[y]; x, {x, 0,1}, PlotPoints->3, Compiled->True] > > With the option Compiled->True, the values for the local variable are > substituted into the (compiled) first argument of Plot, no assignment to the > local variable takes place. > > y:=x; > Plot[Information[x];Print[y]; x, {x, 0,1}, PlotPoints->3, Compiled->False] > > Hence with Compiled->False, the values are assigned to the local variable > and no immediate substitution into the (uncompiled) first argument occurs. > > Now the behaviour of Maxim's example(s) is easy to predict: > > subs=x\[Rule]x^2; > Plot[x/.subs, {x, 0, 1}, Compiled\[Rule]True] > > The values of x are substituted (no assignment to x) into the (compiled) > first argument. That (compiled) argument contains an unevaluated variable > subs. Hence evaluation of subs results in x->x^2 and the plot is a straight > line. > > subs=x\[Rule]x^2; > Plot[x/.subs, {x, 0, 1}, Compiled\[Rule]False] > > In this situation, values are assigned to the local variable x and therefore > evaluation of the first argument results in x^2 for any of these values. The > plot is a parabola. > > subs=x\[Rule]x^2; > f[x_]:= x /. subs; > Table[f[x], {x, 1, 5}] > Table[f[t], {t, 1, 5}] > > In the last command, assignments are done to the local variable t and > therefore subs remains symbolically. > > My final remark is that the first argument in Maxim's example can be > compiled and that the result is a compiled function in which a global > variable subs occurs. The above observations and conclusions remain valid > also for a compiled first argument. I cannot find any reason why Mathematica > would not compile the first argument when Compiled->True. But I cannot show > that Mathematica indeed did compile. > > Fred Simons > Eindhoven University of Technology I'm afraid that still doesn't explain the difference between Module[ {y := If[NumericQ[x], 1, 0]}, Plot[x + y, {x, 0, 1}, Compiled -> True] ] (*plots x*) and Module[ {y := x + If[NumericQ[x], 1, 0]}, Plot[y, {x, 0, 1}, Compiled -> True] ] (*plots x+1*) Maxim Rytin m.r at