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Re: Unexpected behaviour of HoldRest

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg45821] Re: Unexpected behaviour of HoldRest
  • From: John Tanner <john at>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 01:53:28 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <> <buo2ml$h76$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Thank you, Andrej and Hartmut, you confirm my suspicions that Sequence
is tricky and dangerous to use.  I do however still have problems that
are not resolved by the alternatives as I understand them at present.

I rather regret now focusing on HoldRest as the issue here.  There is a
rather more general problem with selection from lists.  The optimum list
selection strategy has been addressed most extensively in a thread on
DeleteCases (started March 2001) and the basic options were well aired
then, with the main options being:

  DeleteCases (or Cases)

The primary discrimination between these was in terms of the Timing, and
here Select still seems to be marginally preferable to DeleteCases/Cases
and distinctly faster than Position.  My present problem is however with
the internal memory allocation, such as reported by MaxMemoryUsed[], and
in this case I thought Sequence would help.

The problem comes when there is a large amount of data to be processed,
with only selected parts returned. The specific case I have found is
when selecting immediately on calculation, so using a similar example to
that used previously for DeleteCases:

CASE 1 - Sequence[]


{31.876 Second,6343872}

CASE 2 - Hold[]


{47.288 Second,35045032}

CASE 3 - Select


{18.486 Second,35112256}

CASE 4 - Cases


{24.465 Second,35115264}

All of the above of course return identical results, and as UnPacked
arrays. Timing results are for a 266MHz Pentium II running Windows NT.

advantages over Hold[].  For raw Timing, Select and Cases are quicker
than both, but also have very high MaxMemoryUsed[] results.

However the use of Sequence[] here does require that If is given the
Attribute SequenceHold so, given the limited application of the
technique and the risks involved, I have now regretfully abandoned this
approach and I am also reviewing the use of Sequence elsewhere.
Actually (to be honest) I was hoping for equivalent improvements in
MaxMemoryUsed[] when operating on big PackedArrays of stored data, but
here the results are far worse when using Sequence[] than when using

  ranpick1a=If[#>0.01,Sequence[],#]& /@ randata;

{26.868 Second,63143384}

Basically I do need a new computer with LOTS more memory...

John Tanner.

In article <buo2ml$h76$1 at>, Andrzej Kozlowski
<akoz at> writes
>It may be of some interest to point out that one can often use Hold and
>ReleaseHold  instead of Sequence, with similar effect (and sometimes
>with fewer problems).
>For example:
>ReleaseHold[{{0, 1, 2, 3, 2}, 3, 2} /. 2 -> Hold[]]
>Carl Woll's OrderedUnion can also be written using this approach:
>OrderedUnion[li_] := ReleaseHold[Block[{i},
>      i[n_] := (i[n] = Hold[]; n); i /@ li]]
>(I have not tried comparing its performance with Carl's original
>Andrzej Kozlowski
>Chiba, Japan
>On 21 Jan 2004, at 09:54, Wolf, Hartmut wrote:
>> John,
>> you'r right, as Sequence[] should be used with care. Up to Version 4
>> it was
>> an undocumented function and the only mention to it I found was from
>> Roman
>> Maeder (who is, or was an insider; and Carl Woll certainly had read his
>> books).
>> Almost ever the use of Sequence can be avoided (although it might come
>> handy), and in this group its use has been popularized more than it
>> deserves.  Even OrderedUnion -- which was a stroke of genius at its
>> time --
>> nowadays with the modern versions of Mathematica (packed arrays,
>> improved
>> Split, Ordering) clearly no longer is the fastest way to do it!
>> Sequence should be used with care and presupposes an exact knowledge
>> and
>> understanding of the Mathematica evaluation sequence.
>> (Further comments interspersed)
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: John Tanner [mailto:john at]
To: mathgroup at
>> To: mathgroup at
>>> Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 11:15 AM
>>> To: mathgroup at
>>> Subject: [mg45821]  Unexpected behaviour of HoldRest
>>> Inspired by Carl Woll's OrderedUnion (for which many, many thanks!) I
>>> have found similar uses for Sequence[], such as using
>>> replacement rules:
>>> In[1]:= {{0,1,2,3,2},3,2} /. 2->Sequence[]
>>> Out[1]= {{0, 1, 3}, 3}
>> The right way to do that:
>> In[2]:= DeleteCases[{{0, 1, 2, 3, 2}, 3, 2}, 2, 2]
>> Out[2]= {{0, 1, 3}, 3}
>>> But I recently found an "unexpected" result:
>>> In[1]:= If[1 == 1, Sequence[], 2]
>>> Out[1]= 2
>> Well, it should be expected, Sequence will be "flattened out" when the
>> arguments are evaluated _before_ the expression If itself is being
>> evaluated
>> (unless it had the SequenceHold or HoldAllComplete attribute, but it
>> has
>> neither of them)
>> In[4]:= Attributes[If]
>> Out[4]= {HoldRest, Protected}
>> Such in a first step
>>          If[1 == 1, Sequence[], 2]
>> is evaluated to
>>          If[True, Sequence[], 2]
>> now Sequence objects will be flattened out irrespectively of HoldRest,
>> therefore the expression is transformed to
>>          If[True, 2]
>> only then rules for If are applied, hence Out[1]
>>> Now when presented in this form it is "obvious", that Sequence[] is
>>> being "flattened out" of the arguments to If.  The wanted behaviour of
>>> If in this case can be restored if SequenceHold is applied:
>>> In[3]:= Unprotect[If];
>>>          SetAttributes[If, SequenceHold];
>>>          Protect[If];
>>> In[6]:= If[1 == 1, Sequence[], 2]
>>> Out[6]= Sequence[]
>> Dont't do that! We cannot overview the consequences of such a global
>> intervention. Instead act locally:
>> In[7]:= If[1 == 1, Unevaluated[Sequence[]], 2]
>> Out[7]= Sequence[]
>> This now allows to do other things, e.g.
>> In[3]:= Map[If[# === 2, Unevaluated[Sequence[]], #] &,
>>             {{0, 1, 2, 3, 2}, 3, 2}, 2]
>> Out[3]= {{0, 1, 3}, 3}
>>> But If has (I now find) the Attribute HoldRest, and Hold does not
>>> flatten out Sequence[] so I don't understand why that does not apply
>>> here also.
>> Hold has the attributes
>> In[6]:= Attributes[Hold]
>> Out[6]= {HoldAll, Protected}
>> hence it flattens out Sequence[..]
>> In[5]:= Hold[Sequence[], If[1 == 1, Sequence[], 2]]
>> Out[5]= Hold[If[1 == 1, Sequence[], 2]]
>> (Of course there will be no operation for and _within_ the held
>> expression.)
>>> In[7]:= xx[1+2,2+3,3+4]
>>> Out[7]= xx[3,5,7]
>>> In[8]:= SetAttributes[xx,HoldRest]
>>> In[9]:= xx[1+2,2+3,Sequence[],3+4]
>>> Out[9]= xx[3,2+3,3+4]
>> You just showed that HoldRest has nothing to do with all that.
>>> Relatively few built-in functions have SequenceHold applied:
>>> {AbsoluteTiming, Rule, RuleDelayed, Set, SetDelayed, TagSet,
>>> TagSetDelayed, Timing, UpSet, UpSetDelayed}
>>> And also relatively few built-in functions have HoldRest applied:
>>> {Assuming, DumpSave, If, PatternTest, RuleDelayed, Save, Switch}
>> Yes, the main reason is for so-called lazy evaluation. Would you
>> imagine
>> what happend when If lacked this attribute? Not only that many parts
>> of the
>> expression had to be evaluated in vain, and never used for the result,
>> also
>> side effects would become completely unpredictable (more than is
>> anyway).
>>> I will therefore now be much more careful of the use of Sequence!  At
>>> present I don't want to be more daring and apply these attributes
>>> wholesale without understanding why this is happening.  There must be
>>> other cases where Sequence can have unexpected effects - I now
>>> understand some of the problems I had when trying to use  to
>>> modify $Post -
>>> reallyBig needs to cope with Sequence[] and Sequence[__].
>>> --
>>> from-   John Tanner                email- john at
>>> mantra- curse Microsoft, curse...  web  -
>>> I hate this 'orrible computer,  I really ought to sell it:
>>> It never does what I want,      but only what I tell it.
>> I agree, see also the Book about evaluation (e.g. §A.4.1)
>> --
>> Hartmut Wolf

 from-   John Tanner                email- john at
 mantra- curse Microsoft, curse...  web  - http^
I hate this 'orrible computer,  I really ought to sell it:
It never does what I want,      but only what I tell it.

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