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Re: Fibonacci [5,000,000] contains 1044938 decimal digits

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg49627] Re: Fibonacci [5,000,000] contains 1044938 decimal digits
  • From: alexvn at (Alex Vinokur)
  • Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 02:55:29 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <7f4ffu$6dj$>, <>, <7g0qsd$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 26 Apr 1999 00:42:53 -0400, Alex Vinokur wrote:
>In article <Mo2OZGACWlF3Ewez at>,
>  Sunil Rao <sunil.rao at> wrote:
>> Alex Vinokur <alexander.vinokur at> wrote, and I reply...
>> >Several large Fibonacci numbers were calculated using only
>> >the well-known explicit formula:
>> >        Fib (0) = 0, Fib (1) = 1,
>> >        Fib (n) = Fib (n-1) + Fib (n-2), n >= 2
>> >All the (decimal) digits of these numbers were obtained.
>> >
>> >It was using the EXPLICIT Fibonacci formula and
>> >       computing ALL the large Fibonacci numbers digits
>> >that were set as an object.
>> >Using just EXPLICIT Fibonacci formula is not an imperative
>> >But to get ALL digits of the large Fibonacci number is very
advisable one.
>> Can you post your code?
>Yes, I can.
>Here is one.
>        Alex

Here is an improved version of the program.

// ############################################
// [C++] Computing very large Fibonacci numbers
//       Version 2.6.1 (with performance test)
// --------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Alex Vinokur
// mailto:alexvn at
// --------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2004 John Harrison, vector.reserve()-related
// ############################################

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;

#define MAX_VALUE(x,y)  ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define ASSERT(x)
// #define ASSERT(x)    assert(x)

#define MAX_UNIT_VALUE  (ULONG_MAX >> 2)
#define BASE1  10
#define BASE2  1000000000   // BASE1 ** (BASE1 - 1)

#error Compilation Error-1 : (BASE2 >= MAX_UNIT_VALUE)

#if (!(BASE1 * (BASE2/BASE1 + 1) < MAX_UNIT_VALUE))
#error Compilation Error-2 : (!(BASE1 * (BASE2/BASE1 + 1) <

typedef unsigned int  uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;

// =========
class BigInt
// =========
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const BigInt& ins_i);

  private :
    static ulong  head_s;
    vector<ulong> units_;

  public :
    BigInt (ulong unit_i) 
      ASSERT (unit_i < BASE2);
      // ---------------------
      // The reserve() has been added under the influence of the John
Harrison's improvement
      // See method get_number (uint n_i)
      units_.reserve(units_.size() + 1);
      // ---------------------
      units_.push_back (unit_i);

    BigInt (BigInt big1_i, BigInt big2_i)
      const ulong max_size = MAX_VALUE (big1_i.units_.size (),
big2_i.units_.size ());

      // ---------------------
      // The reserve()'s have been added under the influence of the
John Harrison's improvement
      // See method get_number (uint n_i)
      units_.reserve(units_.size() + 1);
      // ---------------------


      head_s = 0;
      transform (big1_i.units_.begin(), big1_i.units_.end(),
big2_i.units_.begin(), units_.begin(), *this);

      if (head_s) units_.push_back (head_s);


    ulong operator() (const ulong n1, const ulong n2)
      const ulong value = n1 + n2 + head_s;
      head_s = value/BASE2;
      return (value%BASE2);


// --------------
inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const BigInt& ins_i)
  ASSERT (!ins_i.units_.empty ());
  for (ulong i = (ins_i.units_.size () - 1); i; --i) 
    os << ins_i.units_ [i] << setw (BASE1 - 1) << setfill ('0');
  return os << ins_i.units_ [0];

// ============
class Fibonacci
// ============
  private :
    vector<BigInt>   fibs_;
    BigInt           get_number (uint n_i = 0);

  public :
    void             show_all_numbers () const;
    void             show_last_number () const;
    void             show_number (ulong n_i);

    Fibonacci (uint n_i = 0) { get_number (n_i); }
    ~Fibonacci () {}


// -----------------------
BigInt Fibonacci::get_number (uint n_i)
  // ---------------------
  // The improvement below has been proposed by John Harrison
  // in
  fibs_.reserve(n_i + 1); 
  // ---------------------
const uint cur_size = fibs_.size ();

  for (uint i = cur_size; i <= n_i; ++i)
    switch (i)
      case 0 :
        fibs_.push_back (BigInt(0));

      case 1 :
        if (fibs_.empty ()) fibs_.push_back (BigInt (0));
        fibs_.push_back(BigInt (1));

      default :
        // fibs_.push_back (BigInt (get_number (i - 2), get_number (i
- 1)));
        fibs_.push_back (BigInt (fibs_ [i - 2], fibs_ [i - 1]));

  ASSERT (n_i < fibs_.size());
  return fibs_ [n_i];


// -----------------------
void Fibonacci::show_all_numbers () const
ostringstream   oss;

  for (uint i = 0; i < fibs_.size (); ++i)
    oss << "Fib [" << i << "] = " << fibs_ [i] << "\n";
  cout << oss.str(); 

// -----------------------
void Fibonacci::show_last_number () const
ostringstream   oss;

  oss << "Fib [" << (fibs_.size() - 1) << "] = " << fibs_.back() <<

  cout << oss.str(); 

// -----------------------
void Fibonacci::show_number (ulong n_i)
ostringstream   oss;

  if (!(n_i < fibs_.size())) get_number (n_i);

  oss << "Fib [" << n_i << "] = " << fibs_[n_i] << "\n";

  cout << oss.str(); 

// -------------------
ulong BigInt::head_s (0);

// ==============================
#define ALL_FIBS  "all"
#define TH_FIB    "th"
#define SOME_FIBS "some"
#define RAND_FIBS "rand"

#define MAX_RAND_FIB   25000

#define SETW1      4

// ---------------------
void usage (char **argv)
  cerr << "USAGE : " 
       << endl

       << "  " 
       << argv[0] 
       << " " 
       << setw (SETW1)
       << std::left
       << ALL_FIBS   
       << " <N>              ---> Fibonacci [0 - N]" 
       << endl

       << "  " 
       << argv[0] 
       << " " 
       << std::left
       << setw (SETW1)
       << TH_FIB 
       << " <N>              ---> Fibonacci [N]" 
       << endl

       << "  " 
       << argv[0] 
       << " " 
       << std::left
       << setw (SETW1)
       << SOME_FIBS  
       << " <N1> [<N2> ...]  ---> Fibonacci [N1], Fibonacci [N2], ..."

       << endl

       << "  " 
       << argv[0] 
       << " " 
       << std::left
       << setw (SETW1)
       << RAND_FIBS  
       << " <K>  [<M>]       ---> K random Fibonacci numbers ( < M;
Default = " 
       << MAX_RAND_FIB 
       << " )" 
       << endl;

// ---------------------
string check (int argc, char **argv)
  if (argc < 3) return string();

const string str (argv[1]);
  if (
       (str == ALL_FIBS) 
       (str == TH_FIB) 
       (str == SOME_FIBS) 
       (str == RAND_FIBS)
    return str;
  return string();


// ---------------------
#include <ctime>
int main (int argc, char **argv)
const string option (check (argc, argv));
  if (option.empty())
    usage (argv);
    return 1;

const uint N = atoi (argv[2]);

const clock_t clock_start = clock();
  assert (clock_start != clock_t (-1));

  if (option == ALL_FIBS) 
    Fibonacci fib(N);

  if (option == TH_FIB)   
    Fibonacci fib(N);

  if (option == SOME_FIBS)
    Fibonacci fib;
    for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) fib.show_number (atoi(argv[i]));

  if (option == RAND_FIBS)
    const int max_rand_fib = (argc == 3) ? MAX_RAND_FIB : atoi
    Fibonacci fib;
    for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++) fib.show_number

const clock_t clock_end = clock();
  assert (clock_end != clock_t (-1));

  cerr << (double (clock_end - clock_start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << endl;

  return 0;

 Alex Vinokur

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