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Re: Mathematica to Word

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg46754] Re: Mathematica to Word
  • From: stevebg at
  • Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 01:47:23 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <c241pc$2h8$> <c26g2l$e08$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Thanks for the reply. I need the data in text format for further
processing. When you output text as HTML and read that into Word, it
comes in as a series of pictures. Another answer, not posted here, was
to convert the selected output to text (alt-7) and then do Cell >
Convert To > Input form. This does it nicely, with asterisks
separating the fields in each line. Word macros can do the rest. (I
think that subscripts and other nonstandard characters must be removed
from the Mathematica output to do this.)

Steve Gray

On Thu, 4 Mar 2004 05:50:13 +0000 (UTC), Jens-Peer Kuska
<kuska at> wrote:

>save it as HTML and read the HTML into Word.
>  Jens
>stevebg at wrote:
>>         This must have been asked 1000 times, but I haven't seen the
>> answer. I have a large but ordinary-looking file of Mathematica text output on
>> the screen with no special characters, unusual formatting, lines, or
>> colors, Just plain text. I want to get this data, just as it looks,
>> into MS Word for further processing. When I convert the Mathematica output to
>> text or do anything else I can think of, I get a very complex format
>> in Word, which would take a complicated macro to undo. There must be a
>> simple way to get real, plain text with no mysterious codes, etc., in
>> the Mathematica output file.
>>         Thanks for any help.
>> Steve Gray

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