Re: shade area between vertical lines
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg46915] Re: shade area between vertical lines
- From: bobhanlon at (Bob Hanlon)
- Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 02:37:18 -0500 (EST)
- References: <c33d6f$fs3$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Needs["Graphics`"]; Use InequalityPlot InequalityPlot[ {1<x<2, 1<y<2}, {x,0,3}, {y,0,3}, PlotRange->{{-1,5},{-1,5}}, Fills->Violet, Prolog->{LightBlue, Rectangle[{-1, 1}, {5, 2}], Pink, Rectangle[{1, -1}, {2, 5}], Blue, Line[{{-1,1}, {5,1} }], Line[{{-1,2}, {5,2} }], Red, Line[{{1,-1}, {1,5} }], Line[{{2,-1}, {2,5} }]}]; Or graphics primatives Show[Graphics[{ LightBlue, Rectangle[{-1, 1}, {5, 2}], Pink, Rectangle[{1, -1}, {2, 5}], Violet, Rectangle[{1, 1}, {2, 2}], Blue, Line[{{-1,1}, {5,1} }], Line[{{-1,2}, {5,2} }], Red, Line[{{1,-1}, {1,5} }], Line[{{2,-1}, {2,5} }]}], Axes->True, AxesFront->True, AspectRatio->1]; Bob Hanlon In article <c33d6f$fs3$1 at>, elmanthira <my_name at> wrote: << I know that it is possible to have Mathematica generate a plot that shows the area shaded in between the lines y=1 and y=2 with something like: <<Graphics`FilledPlot`; FilledPlot[{1, 2}, {x, -1, 5}, PlotRange -> {-1, 5}] This makes a lovely display of the open set in R^2 {(x,y):1<y<2}. I wish to intersect this with the set in R^2 {(x,y):1<x<2}. First, how can I make it graph the four lines on the same plot, AND shade in rectangle formed by the overlapping bars. Ideally, I'd want the bars to be shaded in with the rectangle formed to have some sort of crosshatch pattern, or other "darker" area. It seems that Mathematica automatically does some color differentiation for different regions, and that would be adequate, I hope.