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Problems with Latex (Windows) and Mathematica 5.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg48025] Problems with Latex (Windows) and Mathematica 5.0
  • From: livshgid at (Gideon Livshits)
  • Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 04:29:43 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I have a problem with converting complex Mathematica (version
5.0)formulae into Latex from Mathematica.
I am writing an article in General Relativity, and I need to write the
Riemann tensor with Greek indices. In Latex this is simply
R^{\mu}_{\nu \rho \sigma}. When I write this Riemann tensor explicitly
in Mathematica (using the Greek letters pallete), and then convert it
into DVI (in TexniCenter) I don't see the formulae at all (YAP tells
me that it failed to create Mathematica fonts, even though I did
everything possible, including connecting it through Miktex to the
SystemFiles/IncludeFiles/Tex directory, and adding the proper lines in
the appropriate files in the configuration (dvips and pdftex)
directories in Miktex). 
I then try to convert it into PDF, again from inside TexniCenter, only
to discover that the Greek indices are turned into Roman letters, m
instead of \mu, etc. Furthermore, the style of the formula does not
resemble any thing that Latex produces! 
I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I have added the
\usepackage{wri...} in TexniCenter manually to ensure that it uses
this Style file.
I would really appreciate any help on this issue!! Maybe I just don't
know where to place the additional fonts so that YAP be able to read
them?! I don't know why Adobe behaves this way either. 



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