Re: Fitting multiple data
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg50992] Re: [mg50966] Fitting multiple data
- From: "Maxim A. Dubinnyi" <maxim at>
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 04:48:07 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Andriy Krasowsky wrote: >Hallo! > >I have a problem with fitting of one function on several different >data sets. The same step function describe two curves from experiments >of different arts and has to be fitted simultaneous. Is there is any >option in Mathematica for that? > >Thanks a lot! > >Andriy Krasowsky > > > Hi Andriy, There is no build-in solution for this problem, but it is easy to implement it yourself. I am using the following strategy: 1. Introduce one additional independent variable MDL for switching between models and data sets; 2. Construct model function of the form: Which[MDL==1, Model1, MDL==2, Model2, ...]; 3. Construct unified data set: {{x1i, 1, y1i}, ..., {x2i, 2, y2i},...} where the second element in each entry is an index of original data set and appropriate model function; 4. Peform ordinary fitting for new model function and new unified data set. The following is one simplest example: << Graphics`MultipleListPlot` << Graphics`Colors` << Statistics`NonlinearFit` (* FIRST MODEL FUNCTION *) Model1 = a Cos[b1 x]; (* SECOND MODEL FUNCTION, ONE COMMON PARAMETER 'a' *) Model2 = a Cos[b2 x]; (* TRUE PARAMETER VALUES *) TrueParams = {a->10, b1->1, b2->0.5}; (* NOISY DATA SETS FOR BOTH MODELS *) SeedRandom[111]; Data1 = Table[{x, (Model1/.TrueParams)+ Random[Real,{-1, 1}]}, {x, 0, 10}]; Data2 = Table[{x, (Model2/.TrueParams)+ Random[Real,{-1, 1}]}, {x, 0, 15}]; (* DATA PLOT *) gr1 = MultipleListPlot[Data1, Data2, PlotJoined -> True, PlotStyle -> {{Red}, {Blue}}, SymbolStyle -> {Red, Blue}]; (* COMBINED MODEL FUNCTION *) CombinedModel := Which[MDL == 1, Evaluate@Model1, MDL == 2, Evaluate@Model2, True, 0]; (* COMBINED DATA SET *) CombiledData = Join[Insert[#,1,2]&/@Data1, Insert[#,2,2]&/@Data2]; CombiledData//TableForm (OUT[]=) 0 1 10.8067 1 1 4.67018 2 1 -4.99169 3 1 -9.27291 4 1 -5.76031 5 1 3.74943 6 1 9.01693 7 1 7.48695 8 1 -0.858472 9 1 -9.63991 10 1 -8.85283 0 2 9.51028 1 2 8.75934 2 2 4.57503 3 2 -0.0651154 4 2 -4.92631 5 2 -7.942 6 2 -9.61091 7 2 -8.65899 8 2 -7.04512 9 2 -2.66896 10 2 3.437 11 2 7.18905 12 2 10.131 13 2 9.39819 14 2 7.87224 15 2 3.39892 (* REGRESSION OF MULTIPLE DATA SETS *) regreport = NonlinearRegress[ CombiledData, CombinedModel, {x, MDL}, {{a, 12}, {b1, 1}, {b2, 0.4}}, RegressionReport -> {BestFit, BestFitParameters}] (OUT[]=) {BestFit -> Which[MDL==1, 9.96995 Cos[1.00147 x], MDL==2, 9.96995 Cos[0.501091 x], True, 0], BestFitParameters -> {a->9.96995, b1->1.00147, b2->0.501091}} (* PLOT OF THE DATA AND BEST FIT FUNCTIONS *) gr2 = Plot[ Evaluate[(BestFit/.regreport)/.{{MDL->1},{MDL->2}}], {x, 0, 15}, PlotStyle->{Red,Blue}, DisplayFunction->Identity]; Show[gr1, gr2]; Regards, Maxim A. Dubinnyi.