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Re: Re: Conveniently Restarting Notebooks

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg51229] Re: [mg51150] Re: [mg51114] Conveniently Restarting Notebooks
  • From: "Tom Aldenberg" <Tom.Aldenberg at>
  • Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2004 04:18:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hope this is not off the point too much.

I never understood why the notebook front end allows you to play in
multiple windows with the same kernel, to jump around within each of them,
and between them, yielding a nonlinear sequence of Ins and Outs, and why
the calculation order, nor which (other) notebooks are involved in the
project, is not saved at all, hence cannot be recovered.

The front end is fantastic of course for scientific communication. I have
still some complaints.

1. Once in a while the In-Out combinations go astray, and the corresponding
Out of an In is not overwritten, but pushed down. Don't know when/why that
happens. I can't get rid of it. It spreads through the whole notebook.

2. I started using mixed color font coding within identifiers, say to
highlight word segments like Global or Default. After a while tiny white
space gets between the colors, and the Find (Ctrl + F) utility cannot
retrieve the whole words anymore. Had to stop doing that. Find needs more
options, whole words, formatting, color.

3. I create input cells spreading over multiple screens, extensively using
Maeder's Class mechanism. If you edit inside these inputs, unbalanced
parentheses or brackets cause the text to scroll unpredictably and the
cursor to jump from top to bottom to the middle and so forth. Each time you
have to find back the cursor. Then you type the closing bracket and bang
again. Gone. If you have to do that for hours you go completely nuts. I
like the horizontal scrolling with unmatched parentheses, but would like to
see the thing stabilized in the vertical direction, when  you are just
typing within a line.


Tom Aldenberg
PO Box 1
NL-3720 BA Bilthoven
T: +31 30 2743137
F: +31 30 2744413
E: tom.aldenberg at

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