Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB--Version 2.0
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg51329] Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB--Version 2.0
- From: Ben Barrowes <barrowes at>
- Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 06:37:14 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
This is an announcement that the Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB has been upgraded to Version 2.0. Maintenance for this toolbox has been transferred to Ben Barrowes. The toolbox can be downloaded from the mathsource: and MATLAB's file exchange: This version was developed on an x86 Linux system, but is believed to be mex'able on other platforms. Reports of success would be appreciated. Here is the text of the email from Doug Stein transferring maintenance: Ben, I did in fact author the toolbox (back in 1994, I think). Since then, as we both know, MATLAB and Mathematica have gone through many versions! I'm not surprised that the need is still there and I'm glad you want to take over the maintenance. I haven't been an employee of Wolfram since spring 1994 and while I do remain fluent in Mathematica (and MATLAB from working from 1997-2003 in quantitative finance) I am not in a position to devote any time to maintenance. I'd also like to introduce you to a former colleague of mine at Wolfram Research (Todd Gayley). He is responsible for leading the MathLink technology and its derivatives (e.g. J/Link, .NET/Link, etc.) and would be interested to know that this code will be maintained. (Hi, Todd!) At any rate, you have my wholehearted encouragement and thanks. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Cordially, Doug Stein VP Development and Technology dstein at Also, here is the text of the README included with this toolbox: Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB - Version 2.0 (12 October 2004) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the MathLink communication standard supplied with Mathematica and the MEX facility of MATLAB we write a toolbox that provides MATLAB users with all of the symbolic and high-precision numeric capabilities of Mathematica. In addition, since MathLink can pass native MATLAB matrices (and not just strings) between Mathematica and MATLAB it is quick and easy to construct matrices in either system and pass them to the other. You can freely mix Mathematica code and MATLAB code without the bother of writing M-files to convert matrices into strings and back. The Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB is implemented as a single MEX-file and we have included the source code. Two important points: 1) The Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB works with newer (MLVERSION in mathlink.h >= 3) versions of Mathematica (I have not tested the new version on the Macintosh). This version has been tested to work with Mathematica 4.2 and Matlab 7.0. Instuctions for mex'ing this file are given below. 2) Since MathLink connects programs on different computers just as easily as it connects programs on the same computer, you can harness the power of more than one computer. Simply run MATLAB on one computer, Mathematica on another; the Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB transparently connects the two. This capability is also especially helpful in schools and industrial sites where MATLAB and Mathematica might be licensed for different machines. Functions provided in the Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB ----------------------------------------------------------------- math('string') : 'string' is sent to Mathematica and evaluated; the : result is returned as a string. : : <Optional for Macintosh users> : Mathematica will automatically be started if you : make an alias of the "Mathematica Kernel" icon, call : the alias "MathKernel", and place the alias in the : same folder as MATLAB itself. If you don't make the : alias, the MathLink library will pose a dialog box : and ask you to find a Mathematica Kernel. math('matlab2math', 'mname', mat) : The MATLAB matrix mat is assigned : to the Mathematica symbol denoted : by the string 'mname'. The result : returned to MATLAB is 'mname'. math('math2matlab', 'expr') : The matrix resulting from the evaluation : of 'expr' by Mathematica is returned. If : 'expr' doesn't yield a matrix, this function : returns a MATLAB string containing '$Failed' math('quit') or math('exit') : These close the link and shut down Mathematica. All of the above automatically open a MathLink connection with default arguments if one hasn't already been opened. If the user wishes to open the connection with particular arguments, the full form of the linkopen command is: math('linkopen', 'linkname', 'linkmode', 'linkprotocol', 'swapEOL') : The first argument must be the string 'linkopen'. : The second argument must be the name of the link : defined as usual for Mathematica's LinkOpen or the MathLink : library's MLOpen(). Again, for simplicity, math('linkopen') uses : the default arguments. LinkOpen and MLOpen() are described : in the MathLink Reference Guide that ships with Mathematica. : The third argument is either 'Launch', 'Connect', or 'Listen'. : The fourth argument is either 'PPC' or 'TCP' on Macintosh, : 'Local' or 'TCP' on Windows, and 'Pipes' or 'TCP' on Unix. : If the fifth argument is 'swapEOL' then carriage-return and : linefeed will be swapped; this is useful when connecting : MATLAB and Mathematica processes residing on computers with : different notions of end-of-line (for example, MATLAB on a Mac : with Mathematica on a Sun SPARC). If the fifth argument is : anything else, line termination will be unchanged. In addition to the behavior above, any Mathematica warning or error messages as well as the output from Mathematica's Print[] function will appear in the MATLAB command window. Here's an example of a session with MATLAB and Mathematica. -----------------MATLAB Transcript Begins-------------- >> math('$Version') Mathematica Kernel loading... ans = 4.2 for Linux (August 23, 2002) >> math('N[EulerGamma,40]') ans = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310422 >> math('Integrate[Log[x]^(3/2),x]') ans = 3 Sqrt[Pi] Erfi[Sqrt[Log[x]]] -3 x ----------------------------- + Sqrt[Log[x]] (---- + x Log[x]) 4 2 >> math('InputForm[Integrate[Log[x]^(3/2),x]]') ans = (3*Sqrt[Pi]*Erfi[Sqrt[Log[x]]])/4 + Sqrt[Log[x]]*((-3*x)/2 + x*Log[x]) >> math(['Integrate[',ans,',x]']) ans = 3 Sqrt[Pi] x Erfi[Sqrt[Log[x]]] ------------------------------- - 4 Pi 3 Sqrt[--] Erfi[Sqrt[2] Sqrt[Log[x]]] 2 > ------------------------------------- + 16 2 2 -9 x x Log[x] > Sqrt[Log[x]] (----- + ---------) 8 2 >> math('matlab2math', 'hilbert',hilb(20)) ans = hilbert >> math('{Dimensions[hilbert],Det[hilbert]}') ans = -196 {{20, 20}, 5.76706 10 } >> math('exactHilbert = Table[1/(i+j-1),{i,20},{j,20}];') ans = Null >> math('Det[exactHilbert]') ans = 1 / 23774547167685345090916442434276164401754198377534864930331853312\ > 3441975931064458518758576681657377344056575986726555897176563841\ > 9710793303386582324149811241023554489166154717809635257797836800\ > 000000000000000000000000000000000 >> math('N[Det[exactHilbert], 40]') ans = -226 4.206178956624722655882045573396941339798 10 >> math('invHilbert = Inverse[hilbert];') Inverse::luc: Warning: Result for Inverse of badly conditioned matrix {<<20>> } may contain significant numerical errors. ans = Null >> math('math2matlab', 'invHilbert') ans = Columns 1 through 3 113.178979337215 -5919.74491450191 88499.6060995985 -5629.19259643555 325661.692155659 -3310610.4742403 65006.8583984375 -1379341.32904625 -103113004.666097 118827.09765625 -79580628.7093658 3960703542.87468 -6565667.125 1190624660.87695 -45191708684.4323 46772334 -7091389994.79395 243317770201.644 -145560961 20192244670.1055 -637766577741.674 169011227 -20094863396.0078 483223248366.23 157581726.375 -30107722916.5508 1395746315716.95 -546314566 84022049827.8926 -3190940224029.26 80248995 -11721686137.6553 450511619653.419 833248230 -122474248390.773 4379013519678.3 -674342533 104770453206.729 -4031562266231.86 500368351.25 -89613291085.4766 3920435126867.95 -1801550550 275002011616.359 -10261097652172.7 1527154928 -217344388348.539 7466476394136.89 1967461622 -297514562257.922 10968437168811 -4087459016 598118479308.156 -21248040416754.2 2536304908 -367436527858.172 12900351189283.5 -556537420 80183462241.6113 -2796768045312.38 Columns 4 through 6 -510445.978184683 1625336.99449522 -13839361.0719537 -9658895.9244982 154136706.044553 1179106970.13898 2489819979.39821 -15829389980.4342 -22534638103.2292 -61985228341.3854 352708793931.11 208838077525.952 626372659122.163 -3303972916153.63 -2361562991155.11 -3117508119218.49 14577360685521.7 27656719467887.7 7263188344560.42 -22452456771233.5 -196769542511847 -1882343817286.72 -55027672976967.9 799011448910185 -27691532280774.3 293318008894301 -1.84730158415938e+15 51889758217630.2 -443863883411908 2.17875625601591e+15 -7896861578382.06 76597384647696.5 -436258295972536 -65586615447360.4 499265995940208 -2.05686232422449e+15 66931544708134.1 -593960900048081 3.13308913938148e+15 -73524919098267.8 735312012156663 -4.3614722023589e+15 161767546721285 -1.31433910593269e+15 5.90584653456277e+15 -105483962086627 721680799531158 -2.25711546888483e+15 -170230255738406 1.35368201226982e+15 -5.88829318181532e+15 314698551295346 -2.33671275736643e+15 8.95426658136452e+15 -188140325001210 1.36415981861825e+15 -4.97813317427672e+15 40436869193657.2 -289269694936324 1.02575324251412e+15 Columns 7 through 9 128463960.845981 -601044166.649502 1429838357.0824 -19128247290.709 94462427341.4881 -224406297982.711 720199029095.715 -3661148980429.49 8648986818221.74 -11955479624388.5 60917045341235.7 -142305837330720 108543400858323 -537572089649284 1.23174088330313e+15 -599432326737334 2.77719960420449e+15 -6.15954631982161e+15 2.12400714758352e+15 -8.74075476518521e+15 1.83057787280303e+16 -4.91321335401271e+15 1.66251137580989e+16 -3.1049432231791e+16 7.26270179623264e+15 -1.77797337843886e+16 2.4451092374039e+16 -6.17851681929922e+15 8.74126540763949e+15 730681432392497 1.36751936984959e+15 -1.17653480550358e+15 -8.11354131313642e+15 4.38070034687638e+15 -3.77446405631302e+15 3.24465172631833e+15 -1.04209857079999e+16 2.28651032241006e+16 -3.59245590361003e+16 1.61341389380097e+16 -3.75709087333385e+16 5.30886713313908e+16 -1.40749937684324e+16 1.14322562731591e+16 2.13683192447793e+16 238183180090668 2.1111586005894e+16 -6.64449524106293e+16 1.32081802571475e+16 -8.31943633136647e+15 -2.38039088159902e+16 -1.36906588054635e+16 -1.86581479894883e+16 1.06576273114568e+17 6.15301300424444e+15 1.73828465470931e+16 -7.45576848238949e+16 -1.08793241125756e+15 -4.4351683548491e+15 1.71902970120607e+16 Columns 10 through 12 -1433092579.96435 -661797089.535329 2934344030.9709 221454748157.325 107797999574.982 -459259272483.272 -8404437399828.31 -4295430604576.11 17669950431082.8 135914908153839 73077539261115.5 -290584835202507 -1.15093263821656e+15 -657559222051283 2.51890192345663e+15 5.57298124524197e+15 3.47155302832127e+15 -1.26678561078404e+16 -1.56350424279102e+16 -1.13410269963666e+16 3.82834657298677e+16 2.30132413690387e+16 2.3761995414146e+16 -6.85599721886391e+16 -7.83635329774751e+15 -3.48126031051241e+16 6.89123335940669e+16 -2.55178056593037e+16 4.7041638070212e+16 -4.68141026355175e+16 3.68666814103448e+16 -7.34103689965472e+16 7.34844032586819e+16 -2.97460533862245e+16 9.48302586560573e+16 -1.24259060820449e+17 4.8898705429703e+16 -6.77693799706299e+16 8.16174916900524e+16 -4.1086351632482e+16 1.91239346335733e+16 -3.27421696167911e+16 -4.85258771625178e+16 -1.10443996059956e+16 1.12428901554771e+17 7.8934684133657e+16 6.1139213054271e+15 -9.90785867183554e+16 3.74089092063926e+16 4.39989770064524e+16 -1.4710926958948e+17 -1.27012120837591e+17 -7.53618734019761e+16 2.98650647805885e+17 8.47650219942711e+16 4.6161751111216e+16 -1.84897165303488e+17 -1.90774193124695e+16 -1.01757078288663e+16 4.05054108939442e+16 Columns 13 through 15 -2446423712.23972 1865172235.03629 -4662791179.38423 383898150102.123 -296945159399.429 722520215463.328 -14849500279794.7 11633931246808 -27450047604165.1 246318773641883 -195130939326616 443586541791183 -2.16281687789633e+15 1.72807706095922e+15 -3.743895936715e+15 1.10797429167903e+16 -8.88275139656445e+15 1.79899796320497e+16 -3.43508417547259e+16 2.727271573706e+16 -4.96525696025277e+16 6.34191690372566e+16 -4.78145207757838e+16 7.04002023047312e+16 -6.33664382381491e+16 3.69311889061952e+16 -2.06979713970156e+16 2.72184774288887e+16 1.17452222595548e+16 -5.99655987685971e+16 -1.92657727484354e+16 -2.72199659872601e+16 8.93280128386663e+15 6.07511811235594e+16 -2.9344466445376e+16 1.30407738989029e+17 -7.21783088243212e+16 6.64099680322212e+16 -9.08546431463167e+16 6.28849035674626e+16 -4.00789665685201e+16 -1.77020620269233e+16 -9.93635441334253e+16 3.34478869224447e+16 -1.12656435360884e+17 6.21374409941305e+16 -2.86056329229755e+16 1.82301423013235e+17 1.14544740784714e+17 -4.85749131605373e+16 1.27395404094863e+17 -2.12572779157258e+17 1.0853124878165e+17 -3.79252855436206e+17 1.29108219274511e+17 -7.19148791095348e+16 2.54604320218465e+17 -2.81152257017536e+16 1.65535819944235e+16 -5.79226957175225e+16 Columns 16 through 18 6010764228.37905 -1752433341.0017 -2483833528.68668 -918433335055.881 262715788389.949 380607729139.388 34388014740620.7 -9645612276272 -14291854739214.4 -546796936786676 150091955166348 228056752126632 4.52698023761335e+15 -1.21079355314895e+15 -1.89774606064267e+15 -2.12105133647067e+16 5.47808266608817e+15 8.96721778243928e+15 5.63450659354091e+16 -1.37529710883796e+16 -2.42201880178417e+16 -7.39341305381217e+16 1.57927824556192e+16 3.3217847929549e+16 1.07541166738604e+16 2.20651795808375e+15 -8.48693306129385e+15 6.62250695751404e+16 -1.51363632169552e+16 -2.71121550747623e+16 2.89282935888942e+16 -2.44211627004609e+16 -772089829157155 -1.8808272895544e+17 6.84602247828256e+16 5.83867643987357e+16 9.0428541201657e+16 -2.82145286639271e+16 -2.64787776673404e+16 2.89012222373552e+16 2.67537543949077e+15 -1.72731584619987e+16 2.13033838663796e+17 -1.12607908075586e+17 -4.50849362143225e+16 -3.10672585960735e+17 1.77537758521734e+17 1.84834696167326e+16 -1.55278840876447e+17 -4.1792814378581e+16 1.98738415416993e+17 5.21004049186954e+17 -9.7057669178095e+16 -3.06781915060056e+17 -3.4935062130957e+17 8.15343716795949e+16 1.77923392942204e+17 7.88955692681663e+16 -1.96316109147183e+16 -3.78233534425734e+16 Columns 19 through 20 2232569196.11812 -547094668.842378 -339530344027.39 82925009059.4386 12652542703558.7 -3079614638026.62 -200256676099775 48563748889473.9 1.65083453286884e+15 -398678512680276 -7.70793561936204e+15 1.85192551569666e+15 2.04527032242424e+16 -4.87776556492204e+15 -2.70605754407013e+16 6.35892780164074e+15 5.0459094190706e+15 -1.00351846398172e+15 2.26425730663842e+16 -5.40406006382957e+15 7.42919517083055e+15 -2.26233899190568e+15 -5.8055446316467e+16 1.44196263198346e+16 2.52497196324359e+16 -6.23047888321419e+15 8.66447599589122e+15 -1.3232510045469e+15 6.45762181080283e+16 -1.76726149387426e+16 -5.66707840051854e+16 1.62477441275126e+16 -1.3688660905156e+17 3.11653357291696e+16 2.47524149697134e+17 -5.88099500057462e+16 -1.48686172057182e+17 3.55631656797113e+16 3.20196864941092e+16 -7.66963557697005e+15 >> math('quit') Mathematica Kernel quitting per your request... >> -----------------MATLAB Transcript Ends-------------- Where to get the Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB -------------------------------------------------------- (1) What's included in this archive ------------------------------- README - this file math.c - source code suitable for MATLAB 7.0 MEX facility math.mexglx - precompiled binary of math.c for x86 Linux. testscript.m - MATLAB test script which runs the examples above math.tar.gz - tar'ed, gzip'ed file containing the files above How to build the Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB -------------------------------------------------------- First of all, you need access to a licensed copy of Mathematica. The standard Mathematica distribution includes the MathLink header and library files. NOTE 1: You need the MathLink header and library files for the machine on which you are running MATLAB (since you are building a MEX-file to work with that version of MATLAB). If you don't have the appropriate MathLink files, send email to support at with your Mathematica license number and the machine for which you want them. NOTE: As of version 1.2, math.c properly compiles with non-ANSI compilers, particularly the default Sun C compiler. My apologies for previously forgetting users stuck with such old-style C compilers. Version 2.0 has not been tested with non-ANSI compilers. Macintosh: ----------- 1) Unknown. If you succeed in building this on a Mac, send me the directions. *NIX: ----------- 0) Make a directory to hold the toolbox. In this directory, untar the file: tar zxvf math.tar.gz You might want to put this directory on MATLAB's path using addpath in your startup.m 1) Find out where libML.a and mathlink.h are installed on your system. 2) Properly install the MEX tools for MATLAB. The default settings in should be sufficient. then type: mex -Iinclude_path -Llibrary_path -lML math.c (where include_path is the path to mathlink.h and library_path is the path to libML.a) Windows: -------- 1) Again, unknown, but assumed to be usable. Mail me if you find a working combination. Questions ? ----------- 1) If you have suggestions about how to make this free Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB better, send email to: barrowes at HTH, ---- Benjamin E. Barrowes ----