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Re: Re: Step by step answer ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg51614] Re: [mg51589] Re: Step by step answer ?
  • From: "Blimbaum, Jerry AA R22" <jerry.blimbaum at>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 01:54:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Steve...however, arent we getting quite a good Mathematica education
from our experts at Mathgroup?....and, furthermore, getting it for
free?....and in each case it deals with an actual rather then concocted
applications?  And the Mathgroup experts also show us Mathematica has to
be applied creatively rather then just appropriate stringing together of
commands like ordinary software languages...and once you like
Mathematica you get attached to it...and , just think, this will be a
life-long endeavour to enjoy it's subtleties....

Jerry blimbaum

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Gray [mailto:stevebg at] 
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg51614] [mg51589] Re: Step by step answer ?

	The biggest problem is the vast complexity of Mathematica and
its somewhat user-hostile interface. I just received a book, The
Mathematica Guidebook for Programmin, 1000 pages, one of four planned
volumes, whose author says that all four books show only a fraction of
what Mathematica can do. I've been using it for two years and still feel
like a novice. To get full use of it, one  must stop actually using it
for one's actual applications, and take classes or work through the
books from start to end. I, like so many others, don't have time or
patience to do this, so I wind up solving problems in an inefficient
	I think the only teacher-like answers can be gotten from a
teacher, in a class. Unfortunately, the WRI classes are very expensive,
suited to an institutional budget, not a person's. Maybe there are
cheaper ones in universities in France?

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 02:45:43 +0000 (UTC), bruno.robin at (Bruno
Robin) wrote:

>Hi all,
>It seems that mathematica does not provide a step by step answer like a

>teacher. Do yo know a tool that does it ?
>Thanks for your help.

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