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Re: Bug in Graphics Text under Linux

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg51674] Re: Bug in Graphics Text under Linux
  • From: "Kevin J. McCann" <kjm at>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 03:38:49 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <clnesl$od1$> <clpqkd$9uc$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


That is not really a satisfactory way to deal with this bug for the near 
term. In passing I note that another system under Linux does not have this 
problem. My real point is that although X11 has this deficiency, in the 
end it is Mathematica that behaves poorly, i.e. it is a bug in 
Mathematica or at least a mistake that the developers made in their 
choice of X11 or whatever. I did not pay money to be told that Mathematica is 
fine, it is X11's fault. Rather, I bought Mathematica to do a job and it doesn't.


Jens-Peer Kuska wrote:
> Hi,
> your X11 can not rotate trxt by an arbitary degree, because X11 does a 
> rastered
> bitmap reperesetation of the letters in the font and it can not rotate the 
> bitmap.
> You can export the PostScript version of the graphics, let GhostScript 
> render a
> bitmap version and import this bitmap.
> and you can (and this seems to be the best solution) join the X11 developer 
> group
> and enhance X11 to render outline fonts.
> Regards
>   Jens
> "Kevin" <kmccann at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> news:clnesl$od1$1 at
>>This problem has been presented before, but I have not used Mathematica 
>>Linux in a while. Under 5.0 (and earlier versions) I find that graphic
>>text that runs other than horizontal is not properly rendered. For
>>example, if I plot something like this
>>Text[StyleForm["Scattered Wave", FontSize -> 12], {5.5, 3.2}, {0, 0},
>>{1, 0.55}]
>>I get "Scattered Wave" running off at about 30deg, but each letter is
>>horizontal. This problem produces an even more absurd result for y-axis
>>labels for which the label runs vertically but the letters are horizontal.
>>The last time I tuned in on this, Wolfram support said it was a problem
>>with X11. Perhaps, but it is still a BUG in the Linux product that makes
>>Mathematica on Linux unusable in the classroom.
>>Does anyone know of a workaround?

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