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Re: Sorting (again!), but with multiple columns

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg50434] Re: [mg50417] Sorting (again!), but with multiple columns
  • From: DrBob <drbob at>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 03:35:50 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drbob at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Here's a sampling routine:



For your first sort:

sort[{_, a_, c_}, {_, b_, d_}] := a < b || a == b && c >= d
data = sample[10]
Sort[data, sort]



For your second sort:

sort[{_, a_, c_}, {_, b_, d_}] := a < b || a == b && (EvenQ[a] && c <= d || OddQ[a] && c >= d)
data = sample[10]
Sort[data, sort]



If all second column numbers are Integers (as in my example), or if you want to treat non-Integers the same as odds, the sort function could be

sort[{_, a_, c_}, {_, b_, d_}] := a < b || a == b && (EvenQ[a] && c <= d || c >= d)

If the second column has any non-Integer values, the result may be strange, since then neither EvenQ nor OddQ will test true. But you could flip a coin in that case:

sort[{_, a_, c_}, {_, b_, d_}] := a < b || a == b && (EvenQ[a] && c <= d || OddQ[a] && c >= d ||
   Random[] <= 1/2)


On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 04:35:08 -0400 (EDT), DIAMOND Mark R. <dot at> wrote:

> I have read the long 2002 posting on sorting a matrix by column, and I am
> also familiar with Ted Erseks very fast method using Rotate ... but I still
> can find quite what I want. I have two related sorting problems ... related
> in that they both require sorting by multiple columns, and the second
> problems is a kind of subset of the first.
> First, I want to sort a (100000 x 3) matrix so that it is sorted firstly on
> column 2 (ascending order) and then subsorted on column 3 (decending order).
> I had thought incorrectly, that the evaluation order of And[] would lead the
> following to work ... I've written the predicate out separately just to make
> it clearer.
> tQ23[t1_, t2_] :=
>   OrderedQ[{t1[[2]], t2[[2]]}] \[And] OrderedQ[{t2[[3]], t1[[3]]}]
> t = Table[{i, j, k}, {i, 2}, {j, 2}, {k, 2}];
> Sort[t, tQ23]
> {{1, 1, 2}, {2, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 2}, {2, 2, 2}, {1, 1, 1}, {2, 1, 1}, {1, 2,
>     1}, {2, 2, 1}}
> Second, I want to sort a (100000 x 3) matrix so that it is soted first on
> column 2 (ascending order), then *conditionally* subsorted on column 3, with
> ascending order if column 2 is Even, and decending if column 2 is Odd. I
> have no idea how to approach this, except by sorting on column 2, stripping
> out blocks of rows, and resorting them before appending them to a new list.
> This is horribly slow. Any suggestions? Any speed-up, or flash of insight
> would be most appreciated.
> On a different note, given the ubiquity of sorting, I would have thought
> that this is an area where a Wolfram time-investment would really pay off.
> In the late 70s I used to use a CDC-6600 machine that had a superb sorting
> utility where the sort order, sub-order, and various conditionals were easy
> to specify and was blindingly fast, at least on straight numeric or
> character data.
> --
> Mark R. Diamond

DrBob at

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