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Re: Two questions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg50566] Re: Two questions
  • From: "Mark Westwood [EPCC]" <markw at>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 04:06:20 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Edinburgh University
  • References: <chmoos$a3o$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Hope this is some use:

1) 'Subsection' is a style to apply to a cell.  Insert a cell at the 
desired point in your notebook and Format | Style.  That will give you a 
cell with the 'Subsection' formatting, it may also create a cell group 
which includes the following cells.  If it does not and you want to have 
the following cells grouped under the heading, then  you have to delve 
into the notebook style sheet and fiddle aroung with the Grouping or 
SectionGrouping settings.  If this is mystery to you let me know and 
I'll try to explain in more detail, but it is very poorly documented and 
I'm not entirely sure I understand it very well.

2) Look in the help browser under StyleForm, there are some very good 
examples of how to use the function.  I often define a Prolog for 
setting defaults for plot labels and the like.

Mark Westwood

Steve Gray wrote:
> I need help with these questions:
> 1. I have a notebook with various kinds of code. I want to organize this code into Subsections,
> etc., but almost every way I try doesn't work as i expect. There must be a simple way to insert the
> Subsection headings into the code at the right places.
> 2. I have polygons plotted whose vertices I want to label A,B,... . I can do this now except the
> text size is way too small, and in the Help I don't see any options such as FontSize, TextSize, etc.
> There must be a way to adjust the size. I am using
>        gte = Graphics[Text[ToString[xxx++], {40, 20}]];
>        Show[ g11, g12, g13, g14, g21, g22, g23, g24, gte, 
> 	     AspectRatio -> Automatic,
>   	     Axes -> True,
> 	     DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction];
> where g11,...,g24 are other Graphics things I need to display. They work ok. (Variable xxx is for
> testing.)
> 	Thanks for any info.
> Steve Gray

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