Re: Smalest enclosing circle
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg50581] Re: Smalest enclosing circle
- From: astanoff at (Valeri Astanoff)
- Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 06:44:31 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Steve Gray <stevebg at> wrote in message news:<cfi8tm$4p6$1 at>... > Given n points in the plane, I want to find the smallest > enclosing circle. Does anyone have Mathematica code to do this? > I will be grateful for any tips. > > Steve Gray Bonjour, This is my amateur heuristic method to find the smallest enclosing circle: -1- compute the "halfway" center of the points -2- select border points -3- perform a nonlinear fit of the border circle -4- check that the outmost point is within or on the circle -5- if yes, finish, else increase the radius accordingly. Timing is about 5 seconds for 10,000 points on my pentium-4 2.8 Ghz with Mathematica 4.1 Of course I'm sure it's not so simplistic and I would be glad to get some input showing me what's wrong with my approach. For those interested, I include herein most of my Mathematica code (which is not very lengthy). Regards, V.Astanoff ---------- In[1]:=<<Statistics`NonlinearFit` (* two points : *) SmallestEnclosingCircle[{{x1_,y1_},{x2_,y2_}}]:= {{(x1+x2)/2,(y1+y2)/2},Sqrt[(x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2]/2}; [...] In[4]:=(* three points : *) SmallestEnclosingCircle[points_List/;Length[points] == 3]:= Module[{xi,yi,halfwayCenter,radii,distRadii,sortDist,border}, xi=points[[All,1]]; yi=points[[All,2]]; halfwayCenter={(Max[xi]-Min[xi])/2,(Max[yi]-Min[yi])/2}; radii=#-halfwayCenter&/@points; distRadii={Sqrt[#.#],#+halfwayCenter}&/@radii; sortDist=Sort[distRadii,First[#1]>First[#2]&]; border=Take[sortDist,2]; SmallestEnclosingCircle[{border[[1,2]],border[[2,2]]}] ]; [...] In[6]:=(* more than three points : *) SmallestEnclosingCircle[points_List/;Length[points]>3, numberOfAzimuts_Integer:8]:= Module[{xi,yi,halfwayCenter,bord,azimuts,border,fitInput,a,b,r,aa,bb,rr, pointPowers,outlier,newRadius,newPowers,newOutlier}, xi=points[[All,1]]; yi=points[[All,2]]; halfwayCenter={(Max[xi]-Min[xi])/2,(Max[yi]-Min[yi])/2}; bord[{i_,j_}]:= Last@Sort[{#,{i,j}.(#-halfwayCenter)}&/@points,Last[#1]<Last[#2]&]; azimuts= Table[{Cos[alpha],Sin[alpha]},{alpha,0, 2(numberOfAzimuts-1)Pi/numberOfAzimuts,2Pi/numberOfAzimuts}]; border=(bord/@azimuts)[[All,1]]; fitInput={#[[1]],#[[2]],0.}&/@border; {a,b,r}={aa,bb,rr}/. (BestFitParameters/.NonlinearRegress[fitInput, (x-aa)^2+(y-bb)^2-rr^2, {x,y}, {aa,bb,rr}, RegressionReport -> BestFitParameters]); pointPowers=(#[[1]]-a)^2+(#[[2]]-b)^2-r^2&/@points; outlier=Last[Sort[pointPowers]]; If[outlier <= 0,{{a,b},r}, newRadius=Sqrt[r^2+outlier]; newPowers=(#[[1]]-a)^2+(#[[2]]-b)^2-newRadius^2&/@points; newOutlier=Last[Sort[newPowers]]; If[Chop[newOutlier] <= 0, {{a,b},newRadius}, Print["error : a = ",a," b = ",b," r = ",newRadius," newOutlier = ", newOutlier]] ] ]; In[7]:=points=Table[{Random[],Random[]},{10}]; In[8]:=crc=SmallestEnclosingCircle[points] NonlinearRegress::bdfit: Warning: unable to find a fit that is better than \ the mean response. Out[8]={{0.499561,0.555884},0.571661} In[9]:=pts=ListPlot[points,PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.02]] Out[9]= Graphics In[10]:=cir=Graphics[Circle@@crc ] Out[10]= Graphics In[11]:=Show[pts,cir] Out[11]= Graphics