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creating help topic

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg50629] creating help topic
  • From: darkness_wizard at (Wishmaster7)
  • Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 01:49:21 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

hi all.

I created some Mathematica functions, and I would like to create a
menu of assistance so that my functions are recognized by F1.

I did an AddOn documentation for my function, so I can find them in
the help "Add-ons & links" menu. The file is in the
<path>\Mathematica\AddOns directory. Do I have my functions to be in
the "Master Index" menu? I just want to create an help file, so when I
make code I can press F1 and have help about the functions I created.
Where should I integrate this help file?

A second question. In this notebook, there are some hyperlinks which
simplify reading the document. But I'd like to create other hyperlink
which work in the help, hyperlinks which lead to another cell tag,
that means to another page when I navigate in the help. Typically, the
first cell tag is the alphabetical index, and for each function
displayed in this page, there is another page, in the notebook
starting at a new cell tag. And on the index I'd like to create
hyperlinks which lead to these other cell tags.

thanks to everyone who can help me.


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