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mysql-mlink anyone? I need to make it run under Mac OS X

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg50770] mysql-mlink anyone? I need to make it run under Mac OS X
  • From: gdelfino at (Gustavo Delfino)
  • Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 21:39:28 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Is anyone using Mathematica together with mysql? There is a package
mysql-mlink at but it
looks like no one is using it. It hasn't been changed in years and no
one has ever aked a question in its forum.

I need help to make it compile under Mac OS X

The original makefile has the following variables in it:

 SYS = Linux
 ¿Should I change this to MacOSX? This is what $OperatingSystem
returns in Mathematica.

 INCDIR = /usr/include/mysql
 I changed this to /usr/local/mysql/include

 LIBDIR = /usr/lib/mysql
 I changed this to /usr/local/mysql/lib

 BINDIR = /home/stefan/.Mathematica/4.1/AddOns/Applications

 I changed this to /Applications/Mathematica\

 VERSION = 0.2
 DDIR = mysql-mlink-${VERSION}
 MPREP = mprep

 When I try to compile by typing "make", I get the following error:

 mysqltm.c:15:22: mathlink.h: No such file or directory

 By using 'locate mathlink.h' I know that this file is in

 My question is, where in the makefile do I put that directory?

 This may be a very basic cuestion, but this is the first time I edit
a makefile.


 Gustavo Delfino
 Caracas, Venezuela

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