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Re: Why are there no spaces in my title?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg55924] Re: Why are there no spaces in my title?
  • From: David Kirkby <david.kirkby at>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 06:54:57 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <d356gd$out$> <d3822b$c9f$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

 > "David Kirkby" <david.kirkby at> schrieb
 > im Newsbeitrag news:d356gd$out$1 at
 >>This notebook,
 >>has been created from scratch and edited in
 >>Mathematica 5.1.

 >>The title looks fine on the PC, with the correct
 >>spacing between the words.
 >>In contrast, when viewed on the Sun, there are
 >>no spaces between the
 >>letters, so it reads

Jens-Peer Kuska wrote:
 > Hi,
 > the fonts of your XWindow system ?
 > I would assume that X has not a font in the size
 > of your title and try to scale a existing font,
 > but the scaling fail for the space character.
 > Regards
 >   Jens

You are right there - the problem only appears on large font sizes. Is 
there anything I can do about it? The Mathematica font files seem to 
have names that are not too helpful - i.e. you don't see Courier, Times, 
Helvetica etc, but numbers. What is 'Mathematica5Mono-Bold.pfa' supposed 
to be for example - anyones guess really. One might hazard at a guess it 
is a bold version of a monospaced font, but nothing more than that.

I have at the minute included the Mathematica fonts, but they are on the 
*end* of the font path. I don't know if that is searched in order, but 
if so, perhaps there is an advantage in putting the Mathematica fonts in 
front of the Sun X ones, although the mathematica binary appended them 
on the end.

"xset q" shows my font path includes both




but they are at the *end* of the list of about 10 font directories.

Dr. David Kirkby,

Please check out
of if you live in Essex

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