MathGroup Archive 2005

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Re: cannot evaluate in HelpBrowser (Win XP)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg55966] Re: [mg55926] cannot evaluate in HelpBrowser (Win XP)
  • From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 05:26:20 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: jfultz at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I did respond privately to your previous email, but never heard back from 
you.  Maybe one of us got sucked into a spam filter, or maybe you decided 
to ignore my mail because it was based upon the presumption that this was 
similar to your previous problem related to preferences

But...I'm not out of ideas.  Here are a couple of things to try...neither 
will solve your problem, but they could give us some valuable clues...

* In the help browser, try evaluating cells in...
   + Demos->Notebooks->Buckyball Construction
   + Notations->...Functions->Notation
  Does either case evaluate correctly?  The former notebook uses the
  Demo stylesheet...the latter has a private stylesheet.  I'm checking
  for the possibility that the choice of stylesheet affects the behavior.

* In a new notebook (not the help browser), choose the menu
   Format->Style Sheet->HelpBrowser
  Now, type in some text to be evaluated in that notebook and try to
  evaluate it.  Does it work?


John Fultz
jfultz at
User Interface Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 06:55:00 -0400 (EDT), Murray Eisenberg wrote:
> For Mathematica 5.1.1 under Windows XP Pro (SP2):
> I still cannot evaluate (or change) any expression or cell in a
> HelpBrowser window, whether from a cell in The Mathematica Book or in
> the help for a 3rd party add-on of a kind I used to be able to evaluate
> and edit.
> This is after completely uninstalling and reinstaling Mathematica --
> and, of course, starting Mathematica with clean caches.
> Solution?

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