Re: Effect of Simplify on numeric vs symbolic
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg56027] Re: Effect of Simplify on numeric vs symbolic
- From: Paul Abbott <paul at>
- Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 08:54:18 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: The University of Western Australia
- References: <d3g8vq$t01$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In article <d3g8vq$t01$1 at>, carlos at wrote: > In my previous example of FEM symbolic vs numeric speed all > computations were with numbers. No variables were involved. > The difference (minutes vs seconds) due largely due to Simplify. I could find no mention of Gauss-Legendre quadrature in the index of your INTRODUCTION to FINITE ELEMENT METHODS course at ? > Here is a simpler example that illustrates the point, also taken from > the same course. LineGaussRuleInfo returns weights and abcissae of 1D > Gauss-Legendre quadrature rules of 1 to 5 points. Argument numer asks > for exact information if False; if True it returns N[information]. > All computations involve nunbers only. The expressions involve arithmetic with complicated radicals (that can be avoided -- see below). Manipulation of such expression is often very slow. > Results of calls (at end of post) on a Mac laptop: > > numer rule n Eval time Simplify time > True 4 50 0.00 sec 0.00 sec > False 4 50 0.00 sec 78.01 sec (* Note: FullSimplify needed *) > False 4 50 0.00 sec 0.00 sec (* found result in cache *) I ran your code (Mac OS X 10.3.8, Mathematica 5.1) and don't get these timings? The _first_ time I call PerverseExpression[4, 50, False] I get the correct answer in 0.16 sec. > LineGaussRuleInfo[{rule_,numer_},point_]:= Module[ > {g2={-1,1}/Sqrt[3],w3={5/9,8/9,5/9}, > g3={-Sqrt[3/5],0,Sqrt[3/5]}, > w4={(1/2)-Sqrt[5/6]/6, (1/2)+Sqrt[5/6]/6, > (1/2)+Sqrt[5/6]/6, (1/2)-Sqrt[5/6]/6}, > g4={-Sqrt[(3+2*Sqrt[6/5])/7],-Sqrt[(3-2*Sqrt[6/5])/7], > Sqrt[(3-2*Sqrt[6/5])/7], Sqrt[(3+2*Sqrt[6/5])/7]}, > g5={-Sqrt[5+2*Sqrt[10/7]],-Sqrt[5-2*Sqrt[10/7]],0, > Sqrt[5-2*Sqrt[10/7]], Sqrt[5+2*Sqrt[10/7]]}/3, > w5={322-13*Sqrt[70],322+13*Sqrt[70],512, > 322+13*Sqrt[70],322-13*Sqrt[70]}/900, > i=point,p=rule,info={{Null,Null},0}}, > If [p==1, info={0,2}]; > If [p==2, info={g2[[i]],1}]; > If [p==3, info={g3[[i]],w3[[i]]}]; > If [p==4, info={g4[[i]],w4[[i]]}]; > If [p==5, info={g5[[i]],w5[[i]]}]; > If [numer, Return[N[info]], Return[info] ]; > ]; The abscissas and weights for arbitrary n can be computed directly as follows: x[n_, m_] := Root[Function[x, LegendreP[n, x]], m] w[n_, m_] := 2 (1 - x[n, m]^2)/((n + 1)^2 LegendreP[n + 1, x[n, m]]^2) a direct implementation of equation (10) at To convert these Root objects to radicals, we use ToRadicals: TableForm[ToRadicals[Table[x[n, m], {n, 2, 5}, {m, 1, n}]]] Similarly, the weights reduce to TableForm[RootReduce[Table[w[n, m], {n, 3, 5}, {m, 1, n}]]] These results agree, as expected with your gn's and wn's. However, there really is no need to convert the abscissas and weights expressions to radicals. In general, especially for large n (in fact, even for n=6), it is better to work with representations involving Root objects and use RootReduce to simplify combinations of such objects. > PerverseExpression[rule_,n_,numer_]:=Module[{xw,tEval,tSymb,x}, > xw=Table[LineGaussRuleInfo[{rule,numer},i],{i,1,rule}]; > {tEval,x}=Timing[Product[(i+2)*xw[[i,1]]^n,{i,1,rule}]]; > {tSymp,x}=Timing[FullSimplify[x]]; > Return[{tEval,tSymp,x}]]; This expression is just g[n_, p_] := Product[(i + 2) x[n, i]^p, {i, 1, n}] Computing RootReduce[g[4, 50]] takes about 0.4 sec and gives the same result as Print[PerverseExpression[4,50,False]] Cheers, Paul -- Paul Abbott Phone: +61 8 6488 2734 School of Physics, M013 Fax: +61 8 6488 1014 The University of Western Australia (CRICOS Provider No 00126G) 35 Stirling Highway Crawley WA 6009 mailto:paul at AUSTRALIA