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Re: NDSolve

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg59643] Re: NDSolve
  • From: "James Gilmore" <james.gilmore at>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:50:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Yale University
  • References: <ddn16r$cvq$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


The first thing I noticed in your code was that if I reduce "dn" from 10 -> 
4 -> 2, I get different solutions, c.f. {e1[z], l1[z]} plot. The below 
options give an accurate solution.
\[Gamma] = 6*^3;
g = 8*^17;
\[Rho] = 89.08;
cl = 2.5*^4;
\[Lambda] = 90.9;
t0 = 300;

amp = 1*^23;
\[Tau] = 150*^-15;

id = 100*^-9;

dn = 3;
tn = 10;

RowBox[{"sol", "=",
RowBox[{"Flatten", "[",
RowBox[{"NDSolve", "[",

RowBox[{\(\[Gamma]\ e[z,
t]\ \[PartialD]\_t e[z,
t] == \(-g\)\ \((e[z, t] - l[z, t])\) +
If[0 <= t <= \[Tau] && 0 <= z <= id, amp, 0]\),
",", \(\[Rho]\ cl\ \[PartialD]\_t l[z,
t] == \[Lambda]\ \[PartialD]\_\(z, z\)l[z, t] -
g\ \((l[z, t] - e[z, t])\)\), ",", \(e[z, 0] == t0\),
",", \(l[z, 0] == t0\), ",", \(e[dn\ id, t] == t0\),
",", \(l[dn\ id, t] == t0\), ",",
TagBox[\((1, 0)\),
MultilineFunction->None], "[", \(0, t\), "]"}], "==",
"0"}]}], "}"}], ",", \({e, l}\), ",", \({z, 0, dn\ id}\),
",", \({t, 0, tn\ \[Tau]}\), ",", \("\<AccuracyGoal\>" -> 3\),
",", \("\<PrecisionGoal\>" -> 3\),
",", \(MaxStepSize -> {1\/10\^7, Automatic}\),
",", \(StartingStepSize -> {1\/10\^9, 1\/10\^16}\)}], "]"}],
"]"}]}], ";"}]\)

Further, you are relying on NDSolve to solve your equation over 
approximately 8 orders of magnitude in 't'. This is unstable. Why not split 
up the problem into managable portions, say 2 orders of magnitude each? 
NDSolve will easily return an accurate solution over such a range. Then 
piece the solutions together at the end of the calculation. The code in your 
earlier message can be easily extended in this manner, for example
RowBox[{\(maxTime = tn\ \[Tau]\ 100; \), "\n",
RowBox[{"sol2", "=",
RowBox[{"Flatten", "[",
RowBox[{"NDSolve", "[",

RowBox[{\(\[Gamma]\ e[z,
t]\ \[PartialD]\_t e[z, t] == \(-g\)\ \((e[z, t] -
l[z, t])\)\),
",", \(\[Rho]\ cl\ \[PartialD]\_t l[z,
t] == \[Lambda]\ \[PartialD]\_\(z, z\)l[z, t] -
g\ \((l[z, t] - e[z, t])\)\),
",", \(e[z, tn\ \[Tau]] == e1[z, tn\ \[Tau]]\),
",", \(l[z, tn\ \[Tau]] == l1[z, tn\ \[Tau]]\),
",", \(e[dn\ id, t] == t0\), ",", \(l[dn\ id, t] == t0\),
TagBox[\((1, 0)\),
MultilineFunction->None], "[", \(0, t\), "]"}], "==",
"0"}]}], "}"}], ",", \({e, l}\), ",", \({z, 0, dn\ id}\),
",", \({t, tn\ \[Tau], maxTime}\),
",", \("\<AccuracyGoal\>" -> 2\),
",", \("\<PrecisionGoal\>" -> 2\),
",", \(MaxStepSize -> {1\/10\^7, maxTime\/10}\)}], "]"}],
"]"}]}], ";"}]}]\)

This, plus similar extensions work on my machine, Mathematica 5.0 Win XP.

James Gilmore
Graduate Student
Deparment of Physics
Yale University

"Daniel Grady" <d.c.grady at> wrote in message 
news:ddn16r$cvq$1 at
> I've been having some trouble using NDSolve with a problem I've been
> working on.  I'm trying to simulate the temperature change in a solid
> when it's hit by a laser pulse.  The theory is that you keep track of
> two different temperatures; one for the electron 'soup' in the
> material, and another for the lattice in which the electrons are
> embedded.  When a laser pulse hits the material, all the energy goes
> into the electrons, whose temperature rises very quickly, and then is
> transferred to the lattice, and the heat then diffuses throughout the
> lattice.  The problems I've been running in to appear to be related to
> the fact that the timescales that the laser pulse and diffusion
> operate on are quite different; the duration of one laser pulse is
> about 150 femtoseconds, and I'm interested in looking at the effects
> of diffusion over the course of a millisecond or so.
> Below I've pasted the model I've been using.  There are two partial
> differential equations; the first one is for the electrons and says
> that electron specific heat times derivative of electron temperature
> with respect to time equals the electron/lattice coupling term plus
> the laser source term; the second one is for the lattice, and says
> lattice specific heat time the derivative of lattice temperature with
> respect to time equals the lattice diffusion term plus the
> electron/lattice coupling constant.  I'm only considering diffusion in
> one dimension for the time being, as it's turned out to be plenty
> complicated.
> Because of the huge difference in timescales, the way I've been trying
> to set this up is to first get a solution over a duration that's about
> three times as long as the pulse itself; I then pull out the final
> temperature profiles for the electrons and lattice, and use those as
> initial conditions for another instance of NDSolve that gets a
> solution over a millisecond duration.
> Using the numbers included below, Mathematica will give me a precision
> warning when it executes the first NDSolve command, although the
> graphs it returns look very reasonable.  However, when trying to
> execute the second NDSolve command, it gives me precision warnings,
> says boundary/initial conditions are inconsistent, and returns some
> graphs that are clearly not accurate.  I'm puzzled by this, since once
> the pulse has ended, the temperature functions for both the electrons
> and lattice shouldn't be behaving strangely at all; it should be a
> smooth decrease.  In addition, I'm pretty confident that the model
> itself is good, as I have tried using smaller numbers for all of the
> constants and everything works out beautifully.
> I apologize for the length of this question, but this problem has been
> driving me crazy for the last week or so, and no one on my campus uses
> Mathematica.  If anyone has any suggestions at all, I would greatly
> appreciate them.
> -D. Grady

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