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Re: Re: Random sampling of an arbitrary distribution

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg59856] Re: [mg59792] Re: Random sampling of an arbitrary distribution
  • From: "Owen, HL \(Hywel\)" <h.l.owen at>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 06:30:24 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Thanks to Bill, Dennis and ggroup who all pointed out that I should have
used the inverse CDF to do the sampling, e.g. the method quoted in the
message below. I should have remembered that from my statistics class!

It is certainly true that for PDFs for which an analytic inverse
function can be found, the best method is to use e.g. for an exponential

lb=0; ub=Infinity;
cdf[x_]=Integrate[pdf[t],{t,lb,x}, Assumptions->lb<x<ub];
somepoints=Table[inversecdf[Random[]], {10000}];

This works fine and allows me to create samples from -Infinity to

For functions that don't have analytic inverse CDFs the choice of
methods is not so clear to me. Going back to my original test function,
a modulated Gaussian:

ModulatedGaussian[x_, mu_, sigma_, modamp_, modlambda_, modphase_] := (1
+ modamp*Sin[modphase + (2*Pi*x)/modlambda])/(E^((-mu +

My original method is:

MonteCarloSample[distfn_, distmin_, distmax_] := Module[{a, b},
    While[(a = Random[Real, {distmin, distmax}]; b = Random[];
        b > distfn[a])];

    distfn_, distmin_, distmax_] := Table[MonteCarloSample[distfn,
    distmax], {numberofsamples}]

pts1 = MonteCarloEnsemble[10^4, ModulatedGaussian[#, 0.0, 1.0, 
      1.0, 0.6, 0] &, -5, 5];

which is inefficient but reasonably fast. Using the alternative method
of using an interpolation to generate the CDF, I perform the following:

NDistCDF[distfn_, x_, lowerbound_, upperbound_] := NIntegrate[distfn[
    t], {t, lowerbound, x}, Method -> QuasiMonteCarlo]

where the QuasiMonteCarlo method seems to be necessary to get NIntegrate
to converge, and I create a dummy function for each particular case,

mydist[x_] = ModulatedGaussian[x, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0]

The interpolation is then done using:

InterpolatedInverseCDF = Interpolation[Table[{NDistCDF[mydist, x,
    Infinity], x}, {x, -5, 5, 0.01}], InterpolationOrder -> 1]

This takes a really long time! However, points are then generated
rapidly using:

pts2 = Table[InterpolatedInverseCDF[Random[]], {10000}]

and of course Histograms of pts1 and pts2 are the same. Whilst in the
interpolating method I have gained speed once I have the interpolation,
I have the same deficit of range limits that I had before, plus I have
to limit the resolution of the interpolation (in this case steps of
0.01) to have the interpolation be calculated in a reasonable time. This
doesn't seem to be better to me since I have to be careful not to miss
features in the original PDF by choosing a fine enough step size. I
don't have to worry about this in the original method. Have I missed
something? Is there a better algorithm than this?

I'd appreciate any comments.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dennis [mailto:dwangsness at] 
To: mathgroup at
> Sent: 21 August 2005 08:52
> Subject: [mg59856] [mg59792] Re: Random sampling of an arbitrary distribution
> Hi,
> I use the very simple method of evaluating the inverse CDF 
> with a uniform random value between 0 and 1 (Random[])
> x:=inverseCDF[Random[]]
> to generate random numbers.  If the inverse of the Cumulative 
> Distribution Function (CDF) is not available in closed form, 
> which it usually isn't, I use
> inverseCDF = Interpolation[Table[{CDF[x],x},{x,xmin,xmax,dx}]]
> As long as the range of x is finite you can generate random 
> values over the whole range.  If the range is infinite then 
> you need to be satisfied with a range of x  such as 0.000001 
> < CDF[x] < 0.999999 which has always been good enough for me. 
>  I usually set
> interpolationOrder->1 because I once had a case where the 
> default third
> order interpolation produced a CDF that was not monotonically 
> increasing
> With this method nothing ever needs to be thrown away in the 
> process of generting random samples and it seems fast.
> Dennis

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