Re: Output display of exponential function in Mathematica
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg62703] Re: Output display of exponential function in Mathematica
- From: Bill Rowe <readnewsciv at>
- Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 00:46:11 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
On 11/30/05 at 10:08 PM, NewGuy at (New Guy) wrote: >I'm trying to just check and see if I got a whole bunch of >even-numbered study exercises right on exponents and natural logs. >The answers to the odds are in the book. >As an example, LN(1/e^2) equals what? >My answer is -1/2. I assume by LN you mean the natural logarithm and by e you mean the number 2.718... If so, the natural logarithm is written as Log in Mathematica and 2.718... is written as E, not e Assuming this is what you meant you should expect Mathematica to return -2 not -1/2. And that is exactly what happens with proper syntax, i.e., In[1]:=Log[1/E^2] Out[1]=-2 -- To reply via email subtract one hundred and four