Re: preparing multiple choice questions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg63371] Re: preparing multiple choice questions
- From: "Jean-Marc Gulliet" <jeanmarc.gulliet at>
- Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 04:42:41 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.
- References: <doof2r$kd9$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
"Baris Erbas" <berbas at> a écrit dans le message de news: doof2r$kd9$1 at | | Dear Mathematica Users, | | I have been trying to prepare a test of 30 question with multiple choices | ranging from a-e. | | I want to automatically assign the question numbers and and the correct | answers using mathematica. All correct answers should be in equal quantity, | i.e. 6 a, 6 b, . 6 e. | | I tried to use Random with Table however it doesnt produce equal number of | correct answers. I also tried to look into the Statistical packages. | | Is there a way of doing this in Mathematica? Could you please froward me to | a link if you already know one? | | | | All the best | | | | Baris Erbas | | Hi Baris, The following function will do what you want: In[1]:= correctAnswers[]:= Module[{occurences={0,0,0,0,0},results},While[occurences!={6,6,6,6,6}, results=Table[{q,{a,b,c,d,e}[[Random[Integer,{1,5}]]]},{q,1,30}]; occurences=Length/@Split@Sort@results[[All,2]]; ]; results] In[2]:= correctAnswers[] Out[2]= {{1,e},{2,e},{3,b},{4,b},{5,e},{6,d},{7,c},{8,d},{9,d},{10,d},{11,b},{12, a},{13,a},{14,c},{15,c},{16,e},{17,a},{18,c},{19,a},{20,b},{21,e},{22, c},{23,b},{24,d},{25,d},{26,a},{27,e},{28,c},{29,a},{30,b}} Best regards, /J.M. (************** Content-type: application/mathematica ************** CreatedBy='Mathematica 5.2' Mathematica-Compatible Notebook This notebook can be used with any Mathematica-compatible application, such as Mathematica, MathReader or Publicon. The data for the notebook starts with the line containing stars above. To get the notebook into a Mathematica-compatible application, do one of the following: * Save the data starting with the line of stars above into a file with a name ending in .nb, then open the file inside the application; * Copy the data starting with the line of stars above to the clipboard, then use the Paste menu command inside the application. Data for notebooks contains only printable 7-bit ASCII and can be sent directly in email or through ftp in text mode. Newlines can be CR, LF or CRLF (Unix, Macintosh or MS-DOS style). NOTE: If you modify the data for this notebook not in a Mathematica- compatible application, you must delete the line below containing the word CacheID, otherwise Mathematica-compatible applications may try to use invalid cache data. For more information on notebooks and Mathematica-compatible applications, contact Wolfram Research: web: email: info at phone: +1-217-398-0700 (U.S.) Notebook reader applications are available free of charge from Wolfram Research. *******************************************************************) (*NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest*) (*NotebookOptionsPosition[ 2674, 78]*) (*NotebookOutlinePosition[ 3317, 100]*) (* CellTagsIndexPosition[ 3273, 96]*) (*WindowFrame->Normal*) Notebook[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(correctAnswers[] := Module[{occurences = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, results}, While[occurences != {6, 6, 6, 6, 6}, \[IndentingNewLine]results = Table[{q, {a, b, c, d, e}[\([Random[Integer, {1, 5}]]\)]}, {q, 1, 30}]; occurences = Length /@ Split@\(Sort@ results[\([All, 2]\)]\);\[IndentingNewLine]]; \ \[IndentingNewLine]results]\)], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(correctAnswers[]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({{1, e}, {2, e}, {3, b}, {4, b}, {5, e}, {6, d}, {7, c}, {8, d}, {9, d}, {10, d}, {11, b}, {12, a}, {13, a}, {14, c}, {15, c}, {16, e}, {17, a}, {18, c}, {19, a}, {20, b}, {21, e}, {22, c}, {23, b}, {24, d}, {25, d}, {26, a}, {27, e}, {28, c}, {29, a}, {30, b}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, FrontEndVersion->"5.2 for Microsoft Windows", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1280}, {0, 717}}, WindowSize->{770, 559}, WindowMargins->{{0, Automatic}, {Automatic, 0}} ] (******************************************************************* End of Mathematica Notebook file. *******************************************************************)