"Null" appearing in exported gif
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg63403] "Null" appearing in exported gif
- From: "Seung Lim" <selim50 at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 02:57:34 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com
Hello everyone, I keep on getting "Null" on the left top of many frames of GIF file generated and can't figure out why. It doesn't appear w/in the nb, only appears when the gif file is viewed. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance and happy new year to everyone, Seung Lim ************************************************************ << Graphics`Graphics` << Graphics`Legend` (* Animation parameters *) stepsize = .5; metacycles = 50; (* Graph parameters *) lthick = .015; isize = 325; (* Freq parameters *) freqA = 3.2; freqB = 2; prevSymbol = " "; pastSymbol = " "; symtext[h1_, h2_] := Which[ h1 < .5 && h2 < .5, "S00", h1 < .5 && h2 > .5, "S01", h1 > .5 && h2 < .5, "S10", h1 > .5 && h2 > .5, "S11" ] ; symbol[currText_] := Which[ currText == "S00", "\!\( S \_ 0 \)", currText == "S01", "\!\( S \_ 1 \)", currText == "S10", "\!\( S \_ 2 \)", currText == "S11", "\!\( S \_ 3 \)", currText == "S**", "\!\( S \_ ** \)", currText == "S*0", "\!\( S \_ *0 \)", currText == "S*1", "\!\( S \_ *1 \)", currText == "S0*", "\!\( S \_ 0* \)", currText == "S1*", "\!\( S \_ 1* \)" ]; eventSymbol[a_, b_, z_] := Which[ a â? z, "no symmetry", a == "\!\( S \_ 0 \)" && b == "\!\( S \_ 1 \)", "\!\( W \ \_01\)", a == "\!\( S \_ 1 \)" && b == "\!\( S \_ 0 \)", "\!\( W \_10\)", a == "\!\( S \_ 2 \)" && b == "\!\( S \_ 3 \)", "\!\( W \_23\)", a == "\!\( S \_ 3 \)" && b == "\!\( S \ \_ 2 \)", "\!\( W \_32\)", a == "\!\( S \_ 0 \)" && b == "\!\( S \_ 2 \)", "\!\( W \_02\)", a == "\!\( S \_ 1 \)" && b == "\!\( S \_ 3 \)", "\!\( W \_13\)", a == "\!\( S \_ 2 \)" && b == "\!\( S \_ 0 \)", "\!\( W \_20\)", a == "\!\( S \_ 3 \)" && b == "\!\( S \_ 1 \)", "\!\( W \_31\)", a == " " || b == " " || c == " ", "blank" ]; sqwv[x_, period_] := UnitStep[Mod[x/period, 1] - 1/2]; bFwd = Table[ { currText = Evaluate[symtext[sqwv[( freqA*t), 1], sqwv[(freqB*t), 1]]]; currSymbol = symbol[currText]; If[currSymbol â? prevSymbol, eSymbol = eventSymbol[pastSymbol, prevSymbol, currSymbol]]; DisplayTogether[ Plot[{sqwv[freqA *(x + t), 1] + .1, sqwv[freqB *(x + t), \ 1] + 1.3}, {x, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> {0, 2.4}, PlotStyle -> {{Hue[ 0.0], Thickness[.011]}, {Hue[0.7], Thickness[.012]}}, Ticks \ -> {Automatic, None}, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {" ", " ", "Time = " <> ToString[PaddedForm[t, 3]], " "}, PlotLegend -> {"freqA = " <> ToString[freqA] , "freqB = " <> ToString[freqB]}, LegendPosition -> {0.12, -0.9}, LegendSize -> {.7, .3}, LegendTextSpace -> 5, TextStyle -> {FontWeight -> "Bold", \ FontSize -> 11}], Graphics[{Dashing[{0.02}], Line[{{.1, -.37}, {.1, .5}}]}], Graphics[Text[StyleForm[eSymbol, FontSize -> 14, FontFamily \ -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold"], {-0.25, -0.9}, {0, -1}]], Graphics[Text[StyleForm[currSymbol, FontSize -> 14, \ FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold"], {-0.25, -0.75}, {0, -1}]]], pastSymbol = prevSymbol; prevSymbol = currSymbol ; } , {t, 0, 5 - stepsize, stepsize} ]; Export["bFwd.gif", bFwd, ConversionOptions -> {"Loop" -> True, " AnimationDisplayTime" -> 0.6 }, ImageSize -> 350];