Re: random matrix from row and column sums
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg53907] Re: random matrix from row and column sums
- From: adiggle at
- Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 04:11:00 -0500 (EST)
- References: <csinpt$njk$><csqqs1$1mh$> <ctfv78$pfb$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi I am the original poster, and as Valeri has implied, I've had to do a lot of thinking about what I mean by random. The problem that I am working with is generating composite genotypes where total numbers are specified for separate parts of the genotype. The column totals represent genotype totals for a subset of genes, and the row totals are genotype totals for another subset of genes. The resulting matrix is totals for possible combined genotypes. The method that I have been working with is shown in the following function definition. (I appologise for its procedural style and for the sparse form of the output (the next function translates the sparse form back into an ordinary table form)). It starts with row 1 and column 1 and treats it as a problem of selection without replacement. It then goes to column 2 and chooses from what is left. The ends of the rows and columns just get whatever is left over. This method sometimes makes impossible choices, in which case I have it try again. Some solutions are found much more often than others, but it is now clear to me that for my problem, some of them are, in fact, much more probable than others. For my original example of {7,3,2} and {2,9,1}, in 10000 tries all 17 possibilities occurred but I got {{0, 7, 0}, {0, 2, 1}, {2, 0, 0}} 47 times and {{1, 5, 1}, {1, 2, 0}, {0, 2, 0}} 1897 times. I'd like to thank all of the posters for the light that they have shed on the problem. It has been very educational for me. Of course I'd appreciate any further tips on how to make things more efficient or correct now that I've expressed my problem more thoroughly. Thanks Art << Statistics`DiscreteDistributions`; distributeRowAndColumnSums[rowSums_, columnSums_] := Module[ {totalCount = Plus @@ rowSums, matrix = {}, numberOfRows = Length[rowSums], numberOfColumns = Length[columnSums], remainingInColumns = columnSums, totalRemaining, remainingInRow, toChooseFrom, selected}, totalRemaining = totalCount; Do[ remainingInRow = rowSums[[r]]; toChooseFrom = totalRemaining; Do[selected = Random[HypergeometricDistribution[remainingInRow, remainingInColumns[[c]], toChooseFrom]]; toChooseFrom -= remainingInColumns[[c]]; If[selected > 0, AppendTo[matrix, {selected, {r, c}}]; totalRemaining -= selected; remainingInRow -= selected; remainingInColumns[[c]] -= selected, Null], {c, numberOfColumns - 1}]; If[ remainingInRow > 0, AppendTo[matrix, {remainingInRow, {r, numberOfColumns}}]; totalRemaining -= remainingInRow, Null], {r, numberOfRows - 1}]; Do[ If[remainingInColumns[[c]] > 0, AppendTo[matrix, {remainingInColumns[[c]], {numberOfRows, c}}]; totalRemaining -= remainingInColumns[[c]], Null], {c, numberOfColumns - 1}]; Which[ totalRemaining > 0, AppendTo[matrix, {totalRemaining, {numberOfRows, numberOfColumns}}]; matrix, totalRemaining == 0, matrix, totalRemaining < 0, Print["row and column distribution failure"]; distributeRowAndColumnSums[rowSums, columnSums, totalCount]] ]; matrixFromSparse[numberOfRows_Integer, numberOfColumns_Integer, sparseMatrix_] := Module[{matrix = Table[0, {numberOfRows}, {numberOfColumns}]}, Do[matrix[[sparseMatrix[[i, 2, 1]], sparseMatrix[[i, 2, 2]]]] = sparseMatrix[[i, 1]], {i, Length[sparseMatrix]}]; matrix]