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Re: Re: Re: Re: finding package inExtraPackages`Enhancements`

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg54196] Re: [mg54183] Re: [mg54127] Re: [mg54096] Re: [mg54065] finding package inExtraPackages`Enhancements`
  • From: DrBob <drbob at>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 00:21:27 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drbob at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Note that

AppendTo[$Path, your_directory_goes_here]

is equivalent to

$Path = Append[$Path, your_directory_goes_here]

Hence, this is redundant, setting $Path twice:

$Path = AppendTo[$Path, your_directory_goes_here]


On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 01:58:48 -0500 (EST), David Annetts <davidannetts at> wrote:

> Hi Murray,
>> I'm still at a loss here... What the installation directions
>> for Ersek's RootSearch.m actually say is to create, if it's
>> not already present, an Enhancements subdirectory of
>>    ToFileName[{$TopDirectory, "AddOns", "ExtraPackages"}]
> The notebook says that.  The Package (.m) says "This package can be
> installed by first making an "Enhancements" folder under the
> (...\AddOns\ExtraPackages) folder which should be among your hierarchy of
> Mathematica folders."  The last five words are the key.
> To me, this (ie "your hierarchy of Mathematica folders") means that you can
> install the package in (amongst others) :-
> 1. In ToFileName[{$TopDirectory, "AddOns", "ExtraPackages",
> "Enhancements"}].  Note that ToFileName[{$TopDirectory, "AddOns",
> "ExtraPackages"}] is the directory that contains files for
> ProgrammingInMathematica as well as the LinearAlgebraExamples (for 5.???).
> 2. In ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications", "ExtraPackages"}].
> Why Applications" instead of "AddOns"?  ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory,
> "Applications"}] is in my $Path whereas ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory,
> "AddOns"}] in not.  Moreover, the last directory does not exist on my system
> (not that this necessarily counts for anything).
> Why look at the package instead of the notebook, especially when the package
> is difficult to read using notepad?  The package gives the context, that's
> why.  The context tells you the directory that the package needs to live in.
> Where should this directory be?  This directory should be in the $Path.
> Contexts are explained in Section 6.16.1 of the online help.
>> and to put RootSearch.m there.
>> But I want to separate all such add-ons from the Mathematica
>> $TopDirectory tree, so they can readily be preserved during
>> updates from one version of Mathematica to another.
> That's a good thing to do but this would happen if you put things in
> $UserBaseDirectory or $BaseDirectory.  Probably, it would also happen if you
> put things in ToFileName[{$TopDirectory, "AddOns", "ExtraPackages"}], since
> the uninstaller should only clear out files that the installer put in.  Note
> that in general, $TopDirectory is not the same as $BaseDirectory.
>> So I created a new tree under my $UserBaseDirectory, with top levels:
>>    FileNames[$UserBaseDirectory <> "\\*"]
>> {D:\Math\AddOns\AddOns, D:\Math\AddOns\Applications,
>> D:\Math\AddOns\Autoload, \ D:\Math\AddOns\Documentation,
>> D:\Math\AddOns\FrontEnd, D:\Math\AddOns\Kernel, \
>> D:\Math\AddOns\Licensing, D:\Math\AddOns\SystemFiles,
>> D:\Math\AddOns\User}
>> But Mathematica does not seem to search within
>> D:\Math\AddOns\AddOns, so it never finds
>>    D:\Math\AddOns\AddOns\ExtraPackages\Enhancements
>> in which I placed RootSearch.m.
>> Previously, I had tried, instead, to put that ExtraPackages
>> tree at the top level of $UserBaseDirectory, so that:
>>    FileNames[$UserBaseDirectory <> "\\*"]
>> {D:\Math\AddOns\Applications, D:\Math\AddOns\Autoload, \
>> D:\Math\AddOns\Documentation, D:\Math\AddOns\ExtraPackages, \
>> D:\Math\AddOns\FrontEnd, D:\Math\AddOns\Kernel,
>> D:\Math\AddOns\Licensing, \ D:\Math\AddOns\SystemFiles,
>> D:\Math\AddOns\User}
>> Notice that the ExtraPackages directory was in that search
>> path, but still Mathematica does not find RootSearch in
>> response to command:
> No.  It is in your directory heirarchy, but that does not mean that it is in
> your search path.   Of your FileNames[$UserBaseDirectory <> "\\*"], only
> {D:\Math\AddOns\Applications, D:\Math\AddOns\Autoload,
> D:\Math\AddOns\Kernel} are in $Path.  See below.
>>    << Enhancements`RootSearch`
>> The trouble seems to be a lack of parallel in the way
>> Mathematica treats
>>    ToFileName[{$TopDirectory, "AddOns", "ExtraPackages"}]
>> and
>>    ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "AddOns", "ExtraPackages"}]
>> in that the former IS on the search path but the latter is not.
> By default (for a Windows system), $Path is defined in
> ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles", "Kernel",
> "SystemResources", "Windows"}, "sysinit.m"].
> $Path =
>     Join[
>     	{
>       	ToFileName[ {$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns"}, "JLink"],
>       	ToFileName[ {$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns"}, "NETLink"],
>         ToFileName[ $UserBaseDirectory, "Kernel"],
>     	ToFileName[ $UserBaseDirectory, "Autoload"],
>     	ToFileName[ $UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"],
>     	ToFileName[ $BaseDirectory, "Kernel"],
>     	ToFileName[ $BaseDirectory, "Autoload"],
>     	ToFileName[ $BaseDirectory, "Applications"]
>     	},
>     	If[ $OperatingSystem === "MacOS", {":"}, {".", HomeDirectory[]}],
>     	{
>     	ToFileName[ {$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns"}, "StandardPackages"],
>     	ToFileName[ {$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "StandardPackages"},
> "StartUp"],
>     	ToFileName[ {$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns"}, "Autoload"],
>     	ToFileName[ {$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns"}, "Applications"],
>     	ToFileName[ {$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns"}, "ExtraPackages"],
>     	ToFileName[ {$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles","Graphics"},
> "Packages"]
>     	}];
> As Treat has suggested in another post, you need to Append your $Path to
> cope with what you've done.  At the risk of suggesting something that may
> not work (quite likely, given what you've described above), the file
> ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Kernel"}, "init.m"] is the place to start.
> You can modify the $Path by
> $Path = AppendTo[$Path, your_directory_goes_here].  For example,
> $Path = AppendTo[$Path, "c:/tmpfiles"] appends "c:\tmpfiles" to the $Path.
> Why "/"?  Simply because it saves typing "\\".
> I don't see the different directories as a lack of parallel.  I see it as an
> attempt by WRI to handle what it is installing (in $InstallationDirectory),
> as well as what users might install system-wide (in $BaseDirectory) or for
> specific users (in $UserBaseDirectory).  Perhaps Section A.8 of the online
> help is some use?
> Regards,
> Dave.

DrBob at

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