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Re: Using Select with arrays? (Relative newbie)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg54258] Re: Using Select with arrays? (Relative newbie)
  • From: János <janos.lobb at>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:50:53 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Well, I did not read to the end at first.
If you want to use Select to select the element which has maximum in 
its #2 location from all those who have 1 in their #1 location, then 
you can do something like:

    #1[[1]] == 1 & ],
   #1[[2]] == Max[
        #1[[1]] == 1 & ][[All,
       2]]] & ]
{{1, 4, string4, c, d}}


On Feb 13, 2005, at 10:17 PM, Hugo Mallinson wrote:

> The subject might not be entirely correct, but here is my problem:
> I have a list of 5-variable data points like
> data = {
> {1, 1, string1, c, d}
> {1, 2, string2, c, d}
> {1, 3, string3, c, d}
> {1, 4, string4, c, d}
> {2, 1, string1, c, d}
> {2, 2, string2, c, d}
> {3, 1, string3, c, d}
> {4, 1, string2, c, d}
> {4, 2, string4, c, d}
> }
> and I want to extract just the points that have 1 (or 2, etc) as their
> first value. I think I should do something like
> Select[data, {1, _Integer, _String, _Integer, _Integer}]
> but that doesn't work.
> Having done that I need to find the maximum value of #2 for each
> string, which I presumably do by the same method as above to extract
> all string1 (or ...2) and then use Map[] and Max[]. I would do this all
> with For loops (revealing my lack of Mathematica chops :-) ) but I'd
> really like to learn how to do this sort of extraction in a
> Mathematica-y way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Hugo

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