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Re: Elegant syntax for multiple conditional assignment?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg54424] Re: Elegant syntax for multiple conditional assignment?
  • From: Scott Hemphill <hemphill at>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 00:09:35 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <cv6q9a$65c$>
  • Reply-to: hemphill at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Scott Hemphill <hemphill at> writes:

> Dear Mathematica aficionados:
> I have several state variables, each of which is a vector of "n" elements.
> I would like to assign each element in each vector based on a condition
> which is in the corresponding position in a condition vector.  To be more
> specific:
>   Each of a, c, x and y is a List of Length n.
>   cond is a List of Length n, containing True and False values
> What I have is
>   old = {a, c, x, y};
>   code which changes a, c, x, and y
>   new = {a, c, x, y};
> What I want to do is assign to each element of a, c, x and y the old value
> of a, c, x or y if the corresponding element of cond is False, and the new
> value of a, c, x or y if the corresponding element of cond is True.
> I've got a method that works:
> t=Transpose;
> {a, c, x, y} = t[If[#[[1]],#[[2]],#[[3]]]& /@ t[{cond,t[new],t[old]}]];
> All the transpositions and array indexing make me wonder if there's a more
> elegant way of expressing this.
> Any takers?  Thanks in advance.

Maybe I should have given a more concrete example:

  old = {Array[olda,{5}], Array[oldc,{5}], Array[oldx,{5}], Array[oldy,{5}]};
  new = {Array[newa,{5}], Array[newc,{5}], Array[newx,{5}], Array[newy,{5}]};
  cond = {True,False,True,False,True};

  I want to assign:

    a = {newa[1], olda[2], newa[3], olda[4], newa[5]}

  based on the conditions in cond, and similarly for c, x, and y.

Scott Hemphill	hemphill at
"This isn't flying.  This is falling, with style."  -- Buzz Lightyear

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