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RE: text blocks graph axis?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg54436] RE: [mg54348] text blocks graph axis?
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 00:10:08 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

It would be a lot easier to answer this question if you actually gave us a
working piece of code that we could copy and evaluate.

You give us no graphdata, and I suppose the responders could make some up
but that all takes time. Then your code has some meaningless characters in
it like in the MeshRange option. What are we supposed to fill in there?

A completely working example will greatly increase the chances for a good
response even though some of the people on MathGroup are pretty good at
seeing through nonworking examples.

David Park
djmp at

From: biomath2 [mailto:biomath2 at]
To: mathgroup at

Dear all,

I'm using Mathematica 4.0.

I'm having trouble adding graphics primitives to my graphs.  When I add
axeslabels to a 3-D plot, a blank space after the label continues all
the way to the right end of the graph, effectively overwriting
everything in its path.  Also, when I add text to a graph using the
Text function, the same thing happens.  For example,

 contour2 = ListContourPlot[graphdata, MeshRange -> {{0, αmax}, {0,
      Contours -> 2, ContourShading -> False, AxesLabel -> {"θx",
            "θy"}, Epilog -> Text[FontForm["3", {"Times-
      Italic", 9}], {0.3, 0.1}]] ;

The text window for the number 3 extends all the way across the graph,
blocking contours and the bounding box and all.

Is there some way to specify that the text or label is only x
characters long and therefore does not need so much space?

And, in the above example, the AxesLabels do not show up...I see that
this is an option for contour graphics in general, but I guess not for
ListContourPlot in particular?

thanks for any tips!

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