Re: legend scaling
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg54471] Re: [mg54446] legend scaling
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
- Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 03:44:40 -0500 (EST)
- Reply-to: hanlonr at
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
1. Use a LegendLabel so that you can shorten the individual legends. 2. Scale the LegendSize and LegendPosition with the ImageSize. 3. Wrap the y AxesLabel If this is not what you want it should at least suggest an approach. Bob Hanlon imSize = 400; EngineTorqueVsEngineSpeedData = Transpose[{# 2?/60 (rad)/s & /@ {1000, 1400, 2100, 2800, 3500, 4200, 4900, 5300, 5700}, {61.0, 67.6, 73.7, 78.5, 80.9, 77.3, 76.2, 73.3, 68.7} kg m^2/s^2/rad}]; EnginePowerVsEngineSpeedData = {#1, #1 #2} &[Sequence @@ #] & /@ EngineTorqueVsEngineSpeedData; EnginePowerVsEngineSpeed = MapAt[Evaluate, (Interpolation[{#1 (rad/s)^-1, #2 (kg m^2/s^3)^-1} &[ Sequence @@ #] & /@ EnginePowerVsEngineSpeedData][# \ (rad/s)^-1]kg m^2/s^3 &), 1]; DrivelineEfficiency[TransmissionReductionRatio_] = 1 - (0.06 + TransmissionReductionRatio^1.5/100); FinalDriveReductionRatio = (*Interval[{Min[#], Max[#]} &@Rationalize[*){2.95, 3.55, 3.73}(*]]*); RollingRadius =(*Interval[*){300/1000, 310/1000}(*]*) m; RollingResistanceCoefficient = 0.015; CoefficientOfDrag = 0.335; Area = 2 m^2; g = 9.81 m/s^2; CurbWeight = g 1350 kg; AirDensity = 100000/(286.9*298.15) (kg/m^3); RoadLoadPower = Function[{CarSpeed, GradeAngle}, CarSpeed*(1/2*AirDensity*CarSpeed^2*CoefficientOfDrag*Area + RollingResistanceCoefficient*CurbWeight*Cos[GradeAngle] + CurbWeight*Sin[GradeAngle])]; N[DesiredTopSpeed = 140 km/h*1000 m/km/(3600 s/h)]; Outer[Times, RollingRadius, 1/rad/TransmissionReductionRatio/FinalDriveReductionRatio]; CarSpeed = Outer[Times, RollingRadius, EngineSpeed/rad/TransmissionReductionRatio/FinalDriveReductionRatio]; CarSpeedAtTopEngineSpeed = CarSpeed /. EngineSpeed -> EngineTorqueVsEngineSpeedData[[-1, 1]]; TypeBTopSpeedDifference = DesiredTopSpeed - CarSpeedAtTopEngineSpeed; LastGearReductionRatioSolution = Map[Solve[# == 0, TransmissionReductionRatio][[1]] &, TypeBTopSpeedDifference, {2}]; DisplayLastGearReductionRatio = Array[junk, Drop[Dimensions[LastGearReductionRatioSolution], -1] + 1]; DisplayLastGearReductionRatio[[Sequence @@ (Range[2, #] & /@ (Drop[Dimensions[LastGearReductionRatioSolution], -1] + 1))]] = TransmissionReductionRatio /. LastGearReductionRatioSolution; DisplayLastGearReductionRatio[[Range[2, #] &[ Length[RollingRadius] + 1], 1]] = RollingRadius; DisplayLastGearReductionRatio[[1, Range[2, #] &[ Length[FinalDriveReductionRatio] + 1]]] = FinalDriveReductionRatio; DisplayLastGearReductionRatio[[1, 1]] = "4th Gear"; TableForm[DisplayLastGearReductionRatio // N, TableHeadings -> {{"Rolling", "", "Radius"}, {"Final", "Drive", "Reduction", "Ratio"}}] TopGearNVRatio = EngineTorqueVsEngineSpeedData[[-1, 1]]/CarSpeedAtTopEngineSpeed /. TransmissionReductionRatio -> 1; Needs["Graphics`"]; MultipleListPlot[ Append[#, Level[#, {Length@Dimensions@#} - 1] &@ ReplaceAll[#, Line[pts_] :> List /@ pts] &@First@ Block[{$DisplayFunction = Identity}, ReleaseHold[#]] &@Hold[Plot[RoadLoadPower[ CarSpeed*1000 m/(3600 s), 0] /. kg m^2/s^3 -> W /. W -> 1/1000, {CarSpeed, 0, 160}]]] &@Level[#, {2}] &@ (# /. kg m^2/s^3 -> W /. W -> 1/1000 /. {m -> 1/1000, s -> 1/3600} /. TransmissionReductionRatio -> 1) &@Map[ ReleaseHold@ReplacePart[Function[{CarSpeedDummyVariable}, Null], Apply[{Hold[ CarSpeedDummyVariable /. EngineSpeed -> #1], \ DrivelineEfficiency[TransmissionReductionRatio] #2} &, EnginePowerVsEngineSpeedData, {1}], 2], CarSpeed, {2}], PlotJoined -> True, SymbolShape -> Append[#, None] &@ Take[#, \ Length[RollingRadius]*Length[FinalDriveReductionRatio]] &@Apply[PlotSymbol[#1, Filled -> #2] &, #, {1}] &@Flatten[#, 1] &@ Outer[List, {Box, Diamond, Star, Triangle}, {True, False}], PlotLegend \ -> Append[#, "Road Load"] &@Level[ Outer["Radius: " <> ToString[#1 /. m -> 100 cm] <> ", Ratio: " <> ToString[#2] &, RollingRadius, FinalDriveReductionRatio], {2}], ImageSize -> imSize, LegendSize -> {450, 300}/imSize, LegendPosition -> {-250, -5/8imSize - 320}/imSize, LegendSpacing -> -.3, LegendTextSpace -> Automatic, LegendLabel -> " Rolling Radius & \nFinal Drive Reduction Ratio", AxesLabel -> {"Speed\n(kph)", "Power\n(kW)"}, PlotLabel -> "Top Gear Power Curves and Road Load"]; > > From: Chris Chiasson <chris.chiasson at> To: mathgroup at > Date: 2005/02/20 Sun AM 12:10:48 EST > To: mathgroup at > Subject: [mg54471] [mg54446] legend scaling > > Dear MathGroup, > > Below, I have attached code that is part of one of my homework > assignments in my powertrain class. The code contains all input > statements up to and including a graph I am working on. I mapped > steady state 100% throttle engine power to top gear vehicle speed for > different drivetrain configurations. I superimposed the road load > power onto the same graph. My concern is with the legend below the > graph. If I change the ImageSize->600 argument in the last command, > the legend box becomes larger or smaller. How do I make sure that no > matter what size I choose for the ImageSize, that the legend always > stays nicely wrapped around the legend text? Thank you in advance for > your valuable time. > > EngineTorqueVsEngineSpeedData= > Transpose[{# 2\[Pi]/60 (rad)/s&/ @{1000,1400,2100,2800,3500,4200,4900,5300, > 5700},{61.0,67.6,73.7,78.5,80.9,77.3,76.2,73.3,68.7} kg m^2/ s^2/ > rad}]; > EnginePowerVsEngineSpeedData={#1,#1 #2}&[Sequence@@#]&/@ > EngineTorqueVsEngineSpeedData; > EnginePowerVsEngineSpeed= > MapAt[Evaluate,(Interpolation[{#1 (rad/s)^-1,#2 (kg m^2/s^3)^-1}&[ > Sequence@@#]&/@ > EnginePowerVsEngineSpeedData][# (rad/s)^-1]kg m^2/ s^3&),1]; > DrivelineEfficiency[TransmissionReductionRatio_]= > 1-(0.06+TransmissionReductionRatio^1.5/100); > FinalDriveReductionRatio=(*Interval[{Min[#],Max[#]}&@Rationalize[*){2.95,3.5 5, > 3.73}(*]]*); > RollingRadius=(*Interval[*){300/1000 ,310/1000}(*]*) m; > RollingResistanceCoefficient=0.015; > CoefficientOfDrag=0.335; > Area=2 m^2; > g=9.81 m/s^2; > CurbWeight=g 1350 kg; > AirDensity=100000/(286.9*298.15) (kg/m^3); > RoadLoadPower= > Function[{CarSpeed,GradeAngle}, > CarSpeed*(1/2*AirDensity*CarSpeed^2*CoefficientOfDrag*Area+ > RollingResistanceCoefficient*CurbWeight*Cos[GradeAngle]+ > CurbWeight*Sin[GradeAngle])]; > N[DesiredTopSpeed=140 km/h*1000 m/km/(3600 s/h)]; > Outer[Times,RollingRadius, > 1/rad/TransmissionReductionRatio/FinalDriveReductionRatio]; > CarSpeed=Outer[Times,RollingRadius, > EngineSpeed/rad/TransmissionReductionRatio/ FinalDriveReductionRatio]; > CarSpeedAtTopEngineSpeed= > CarSpeed/.EngineSpeed->EngineTorqueVsEngineSpeedData[[-1,1]]; > TypeBTopSpeedDifference=DesiredTopSpeed-CarSpeedAtTopEngineSpeed; > LastGearReductionRatioSolution= > Map[Solve[# ==0,TransmissionReductionRatio][[1]]&, > TypeBTopSpeedDifference,{2}]; > DisplayLastGearReductionRatio= > Array[junk,Drop[Dimensions[LastGearReductionRatioSolution],-1]+1]; > DisplayLastGearReductionRatio[[ > Sequence@@(Range[ > 2,#]&/@(Drop[ > Dimensions[LastGearReductionRatioSolution],-1]+1))]]= > TransmissionReductionRatio/.LastGearReductionRatioSolution; > DisplayLastGearReductionRatio[[Range[2,#]&[Length[RollingRadius]+1],1]]= > RollingRadius; > DisplayLastGearReductionRatio[[1, > Range[2,#]&[Length[FinalDriveReductionRatio]+1]]]= > FinalDriveReductionRatio; > DisplayLastGearReductionRatio[[1,1]]="4th Gear"; > TableForm[DisplayLastGearReductionRatio//N, > TableHeadings\[Rule]{{"Rolling","","Radius"},{"Final","Drive","Reduction", > "Ratio"}}] > TopGearNVRatio= > EngineTorqueVsEngineSpeedData[[-1,1]]/ > CarSpeedAtTopEngineSpeed/.TransmissionReductionRatio\[Rule]1; > Needs["Graphics`MultipleListPlot`"] > MultipleListPlot[ > Append[#,Level[#,{Length@Dimensions@#}-1]&@ > ReplaceAll[#,Line[pts_]\[RuleDelayed]List/@pts]&@ > First@Block[{$DisplayFunction=Identity}, > ReleaseHold[#]]&@ > Hold[Plot[ > RoadLoadPower[CarSpeed*1000 m/(3600 s),0]/.kg m^2/ s^3-> > W/.W->1/1000,{CarSpeed,0,160}]]]&@ > Level[#,{2}]&@(#/.kg m^2/s^3->W/.W->1/1000/.{m\[Rule]1/1000, > s\[Rule]1/3600}/.TransmissionReductionRatio\[Rule]1)&@ > Map[ReleaseHold@ > ReplacePart[Function[{CarSpeedDummyVariable},Null], > Apply[{Hold[CarSpeedDummyVariable/.EngineSpeed\[Rule]#1], > DrivelineEfficiency[TransmissionReductionRatio] #2}&, > EnginePowerVsEngineSpeedData,{1}],2],CarSpeed,{2}], > PlotJoined\[Rule]True, > SymbolShape\[Rule]Append[#,None]&@ > Take[#,Length[RollingRadius]* > Length[FinalDriveReductionRatio]]&@ > Apply[PlotSymbol[#1,Filled\[Rule]#2]&,#,{1}]&@Flatten[#,1]&@ > Outer[List,{Box,Diamond,Star,Triangle},{True,False}], > PlotLegend\[Rule]Append[#,"Road Load"]&@ > Level[Outer[ > "Rolling Radius: "<>ToString[#1/.m\[Rule]100 cm]<> > ", Final Drive Reduction Ratio: "<>ToString[#2]&,RollingRadius, > FinalDriveReductionRatio],{2}],ImageSize\[Rule]600, > LegendSize\[Rule]{1.6,0.5},LegendPosition\[Rule]{-.75,-1.25}, > LegendSpacing\[Rule]-.3,LegendTextSpace\[Rule]Automatic, > AxesLabel\[Rule]{"Speed (kph)","Power (kW)"}, > PlotLabel->"Top Gear Power Curves and Road Load"] > > Regards, > -- > Chris Chiasson > Kettering University > Mechanical Engineering > Graduate Student > 1 810 265 3161 > >