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compile / optimize

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg53745] compile / optimize
  • From: Frank Brand <frank.brand at>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 04:36:22 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <comgvp$9hg$> <copavk$ps8$> <csl1pm$6ve$> <csnstt$4cr$> <ct4hka$b1g$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Thanks Paul,

but the special point I´m interesting in is if there is a possibility to 
generally optimize and perhaps compile the following function (maximal 
iteration number 12 substituted by n)

f[n_]=Module[{x = 0}, Do[x += Sin[t^2]/(1 + x), {n}]; x]]



Paul Abbott wrote:
> In article <csnstt$4cr$1 at>,
>  "Jens-Peer Kuska" <kuska at> wrote:
>>ff = Experimental`OptimizeExpression[
>>Module[{x = 0}, Do[x += Sin[t^2]/(1 + x), {12}]; x]]
>>myfun=Compile[{{t, _Real}}, Evaluate[ff]]
> However, using OptimizeExpression with Compile does not give any speed 
> up for the given problem. Compare the following timings:
>   g = Nest[Function[t, (t + x/t)/2], x, 15];
>   f1 = Compile[{{x, _Real}}, Evaluate[g]];
>   First[Timing[vals1 = f1 /@ Range[0.1, 20., 0.001]; ]]
>   0.11 Second
>   f2 = Compile[{{x, _Real}},
>     Evaluate[Experimental`OptimizeExpression[Evaluate[g]]]]; 
>   First[Timing[vals2 = f2 /@ Range[0.1, 20., 0.001]; ]]   
>   0.1 Second
>   vals1 == vals2
>   True
> Cheers,
> Paul
>>"Frank Brand" <frank.brand at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
>>news:csl1pm$6ve$1 at
>>>Dear mathgroup members,
>>>can anybody give me an advice how to generally
>>>1.optimize (using the optimization package "optimize.m") and after that
>>>2. compile pieces of code like
>>>Module[{t}, t = x; Do[t = (t + x/t)/2, {n}]; t]
> Note that this code is much clearer as
>   Nest[Function[t, (t + x/t)/2], x, n]
> And, of course, NewtonIteration is built-in (FindRoot).
>>>Applying the two-step approach to the code above with a given n (=15)
>>>there is a speed up ratio of 8500 compared with the original exprssion.
>>>Is it possible to apply this procedure to general expressions?
>>>Thanks in advance

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