Re: Light and surface colors
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg58704] Re: [mg58688] Light and surface colors
- From: "David Park" <djmp at>
- Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 03:02:19 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Daniele, I tried to send you a Mathematica notebook with the code for this but your server rejected it because of a full mailbox. To make a shaded plot with regular Mathematica graphics we could use ParametricPlot3D with the 4th argument in the parametrization. The 4th argument gives graphics directives for plotting the surface. We don't have to turn the Lighting off if we give SurfaceColor instead of a raw color. We redefine the pressure for the parameters of the ellipsoid. ellipsoid[a_, b_, c_][u_, v_] := {a Cos[v]Cos[u], b Cos[v]Sin[u], c Sin[v]} pressure[x_, y_, z_] := x^2 + y^2 + Sin[4z]; pressure[u_, v_] = pressure[x, y, z] /. Thread[{x, y, z} -> ellipsoid[7, 5, 4][u, v]] 49*Cos[u]^2*Cos[v]^2 + 25*Cos[v]^2*Sin[u]^2 + Sin[16*Sin[v]] Then define the parametrization for the ellipsoid with the function on it. ellipsoidfunction[a_, b_, c_][u_, v_] := {a Cos[v]Cos[u], b Cos[v]Sin[u], c Sin[v], {EdgeForm[], SurfaceColor[Hue[pressure[u, v]/50]]}} Then we can plot. ParametricPlot3D[ellipsoidfunction[7, 5, 4][u, v], {u, 0, 2*Pi}, {v, -Pi/2, Pi/2}, PlotPoints -> 100, ImageSize -> 450]; There are three problems with this plot. 1) The regular Mathematica lighting tends to interfer with the colors on the surface. 2) The Hue color function is not easy to interpret. What is high pressure and what is low pressure? 3) It doesn't give a very accurate indication of what the shape of the contours are. They are not quite as regular as one might expect. My second solution uses DrawGraphics (from my web site below). It trims a grid of polygons in the uv-plane to the contour regions and then maps the resulting grids to the ellipsoidal surface. It uses the TwoColorScale function to give a color scale that gives shades of blue for values below 25 and shades of red for colors above 25. It is much easier to interpret two-color plots - they are similar to cartographic maps. The NeutralLighting option is used to turn down the color saturation of the regular lighting so it doesn't interfer with the surface colors. Needs["DrawGraphics`DrawingMaster`"] colorfun = TwoColorScale[{-0.29, 25, 49.7}, {ColorMix[RoyalBlue, Black][0.5], RoyalBlue, ColorMix[RoyalBlue, White][0.8], ColorMix[Red, White][0.8], Red, ColorMix[Red, Black][0.5]}]; polygrid = N[MakePolyGrid[{40, 20}, {{0, -Pi/2}, {2*Pi, Pi/2}}]]; contours = Range[-0.29, 49.7, (49.7 + 0.29)/10]; Do[polys[i] = TrimPolygons[pressure[#1, #2] & , {contours[[i]], contours[[i + 1]]}][polygrid], {i, 1, Length[contours] - 1}] Draw3DItems[ {Table[{SurfaceColor[colorfun[(contours[[i]] + contours[[i + 1]])/2]], EdgeForm[], polys[i] /. {(u_)?NumberQ, (v_)?NumberQ} -> ellipsoid[7, 5, 4][u, v]}, {i, 1, Length[contours] - 1}]}, BoxRatios -> Automatic, NeutralLighting[0.1, 0.5, 0], Boxed -> False, Axes -> False, PlotRegion -> {{-0.1, 1.1}, {-0.3, 1.2}}, ViewPoint -> {1.534, -2.831, 1.04}, Background -> Linen, ImageSize -> 450]; The contours actually are somewhat irregular and wavy as one can check by making a ContourPlot of the pressure in the uv-plane using a high number of plot points. David Park djmp at From: Daniele Lupo [mailto:danwolf_no_spam_please_ at] To: mathgroup at Hi to everyone. I've just obtained a Student License of Mathematica, and I'm working in graphics... I've created, after a half-day of work, an image representing an ellipsoid, with a colored surface When I try to represent it, I must put Ligthing->False to see surface colors. I'd like to know if there's a way to obtain a rendered image, in which I can have both light and surface color, to give a shadow to the figure and create a more 3D effect. Thanks for replies. Below there's the code... Daniele -------------------------- << Graphics`ContourPlot3D`; a = 7; b = 5; c = 4; r = 1; ellipsoid = ContourPlot3D[ (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 + (z/c)^2 - r, { x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}, {z, -10, 10}, PlotPoints -> 12, AspectRatio -> Automatic ]; (*It finds the median point of vertices of a list of a 3D coordinates*) midpoint[l_] := Apply[Plus, Transpose[l], 2]/Length[l]; (*Function to map in the ellipsoid surface*) pressure[x_, y_, z_] := x^2 + y^2 + Sin[4z]; (*Color Function*) color[x_] := Hue[pressure @@ midpoint[x]/50]; (*Rule to change original graphic object*) colorpolygon = Polygon[coord_] :> {color[coord],EdgeForm[{}],Polygon[coord]}; (*creation of new, colored ellipsoid*) coloredellipse = ellipsoid /. colorpolygon; (*Visualization of the shape*) (*I'd like to have also the light...*) Show[coloredellipse, Lighting -> False];