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Re: Re: Eliminating Annoying Minus Signs

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg58781] Re: [mg58759] Re: Eliminating Annoying Minus Signs
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 03:21:19 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi David,

I remember looking at that package and thinking it was rather neat. I copied
the idea of using color, in a different way, in the ExpressionManipulation
package at my web site. But I think the approach is a bit involved for
routine use.

Yehuda suggested the good routine here.

NDSignSwitch = -Numerator[#]/(-Denominator[#])&

(The Function header prevents cancellation of the minus signs.)

Then that could be mapped to the relevant terms that we wanted to simplify.

I don't think we would have to do it in this case, but sometimes we want to
apply a function to only a select set of terms in a sum or factors in a
product. I discussed two routines, MapLevelParts and MapLevelPatterns in
MathGroup recently that allow this. These two routines are in the Tensorial
package. I think this is a useful but missing functionality in Mathematica.

But there is still the problem of getting the positions of selected parts of
an expression. The ExpressionManipulation package had a palette for doing
that, but it is not 100 percent. One problem is that when an expression is
copied in Mathematica, sometimes the underlying expression is changed. Even
an Output expression - I think. The ExpressionManipulation package has an
extendedPosition so that you could select a set of level subparts of an
expression and still obtain a position. It also gave all the positions of
the selection in the expression if it occured more than once. So then one
had to pick out the one actually wanted, but there was provision for
highlighting a selected position.
But I really wasn't happy enough with it to push it.

A really solid palette to give the positions of highlighted parts of an
expression would be a great boon!

David Park
djmp at

From: David Bailey [mailto:dave at]
To: mathgroup at

David Park wrote:
> Here is an expression that has annoying minus signs in it.
> test = {-((2*x)/(-1 + z)), -((2*y)/(-1 + z)), -1};
> We can get rid of them with the following operation.
> MapAt[Minus, test, {{1, 1}, {1, 3, 1}, {2, 1}, {2, 3, 1}}]
> {(2*x)/(1 - z), (2*y)/(1 - z), -1}
> But it involves ferreting out the two positions at which we want to change
signs and so is a little tedious and error prone.
> Does someone have a simpler method for simplifying such expressions, which
occur quite often with Mathematica?
> David Park
> djmp at
Some years ago I wrote a package that let you specify algebraic
manipulations by selecting parts of an expression and colouring them
using a palette button. The colouring was applied using a TagBox so that
there was 'handle' that subsequent operations could relate to. Although
it worked quite well, there was only limited interest in the idea, and
the package would need a little maintenance now because it used Red,
Green, Blue, etc. (Yes, I know such symbols are reserved for Wolfram).

Using colour, you could specify quite elaborate things. For example,
given a b c==d e f you could colour the f and ask for it to be moved to
the opposite side of the equality (on the denominator of course).

Contact me if you are interested, and I will try to resurrect it.

David Bailey

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