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Re: Re: usage messages in packages

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg58162] Re: Re: usage messages in packages
  • From: "Jens-Peer Kuska" <kuska at>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 06:02:35 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Uni Leipzig
  • References: <> <d8u6ev$87s$> <> <d90src$8vi$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


yes ..


will load the DiscreteMath`Kernel`init.m


"Andrzej Kozlowski" <andrzej at> schrieb 
im Newsbeitrag news:d90src$8vi$1 at
> Yes, I understand that. But my question was: if 
> your have a directory
> DiscreteMath in your  AddOns/StandardPackages on 
> Unix (other than
> Mac OS X) will
> <<discretemath`
> still work for you?
> Andrzej
> On 17 Jun 2005, at 20:09, Jens-Peer Kuska wrote:
>> Hi,
>> at leaste MS-Windows is "case aware", what 
>> mean,
>> it save upper
>> and lower case characters but it does not make 
>> a
>> difference between
>> it.
>> UNIX systems are typical "case sensitive" and 
>> the
>> used upper and lower
>> case characters make a difference.
>> Regards
>>   Jens
>> "Andrzej Kozlowski" <akoz at> schrieb 
>> im
>> Newsbeitrag news:d8u6ev$87s$1 at
>>> There are a couple of remarks I would like to
>>> add to this posting.
>>> First, I think it ought to be possible to 
>>> modify
>>> the usage message
>>> mechanism so that usage messages about 
>>> functions
>>> that are being
>>> overloaded would be appended to the existing
>>> ones rather than
>>> override them.
>>> Secondly: I am wondering whether the ability 
>>> to
>>> read in packages with
>>> both
>>> <<DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`
>>> and
>>> <<discretemath`combinatorica`
>>> is operating system dependent, i.e. whether 
>>> both
>>> of the above work on
>>> OS's that distinguish between lower and upper
>>> case names of files
>>> and  directories. I think that means all
>>> flavours of unix except Mac
>>> OS X (?)
>>> Can someone check this?
>>> Andrzej Kozlowski
>>> On 17 Jun 2005, at 08:04, Andrzej Kozlowski
>>> wrote:
>>>> One aspect of Mathematica packages that seems
>>>> to me to be poorly
>>>> designed is the way package usage messages 
>>>> can
>>>> cover up a built in
>>>> usage messages without any warning. A
>>>> particularly irritating
>>>> instance of this is when a package overloads
>>>> the definition of a
>>>> built in functions so that user receives no
>>>> information at all
>>>> about what happened. As an example compare:
>>>> ?Normal
>>>> Normal[expr] converts expr to a normal
>>>> expression, from a
>>>> variety of special forms.
>>>> load the Combinatorica package:
>>>> <<discretemath`combinatorica`
>>>> ?Normal
>>>> Normal is a value that options VertexStyle,
>>>> EdgeStyle, and \
>>>> PlotRange can take on in ShowGraph.
>>>> Another curious thing. Quit the Kernel and 
>>>> now
>>>> try again loading
>>>> the Combinatorica package in a different way
>>>> In[1]:=
>>>> <<discretemath`
>>>> This time the usage message was not covered 
>>>> up:
>>>> In[2]:=
>>>> ?Normal
>>>> Normal[expr] converts expr to a normal
>>>> expression, from a \
>>>> variety of special forms.
>>>> I had never realised that one could load
>>>> directories of packages by
>>>> using only small letters as in the above
>>>> example until I saw Maxim
>>>> doing it. This also works:
>>>> << discretemath`combinatorica`
>>>> Actually, this is consistent with the
>>>> documentation which says:
>>>>      <<dir` , initialize all packages from
>>>> directory dir,
>>>>      <<dir`package` , read in a package from
>>>> the named directory
>>>> but I had always assumed that "dir" and
>>>> "package" actually meant
>>>> "Dir" and "Package".
>>>> Andrzej Kozlowski
>>>> Chiba, Japan

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