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Blurring with mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg54814] Blurring with mathematica
  • From: V.Marinakis at
  • Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 22:29:04 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear all,

I have some questions regarding the following email:
1) Shouldn't it be the factor (1/Sqrt[2 Pi sdev^2]) in the kernel?
2) What should I change in order to normalise the gaussian to an interval
of 1;

Best, Vangelis Marinakis.


Generate an image.

image = Table[Random[], {128}, {128}];
Show[Graphics[Raster[image]], AspectRatio -> 1];

Generate a Gaussian blurring kernel.

halfwindow = 5;
sdev = 2;
kernel = Table[Exp[-((i^2 + j^2)/(2*sdev^2))],
    {i, -halfwindow, halfwindow}, {j, -halfwindow, halfwindow}];
Show[Graphics[Raster[kernel]], AspectRatio -> 1];

Blur the image.

image2 = ListCorrelate[kernel, image];
image2 /= Max[image2];
Show[Graphics[Raster[image2]], AspectRatio -> 1];

If you want to blur with circular wraparound then use

ListCorrelate[kernel, image,
{{halfwindow + 1, halfwindow + 1},
{halfwindow + 1, halfwindow + 1}}];
Steve Luttrell

> wrote in message 
news:cvrqhi$p5c$1@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hello everyone.
> I have an image which is stored as an 128 times 128
> matrix and I want to add gaussian blurring. Does anyone
> know how can this be done with mathematica?
> Best, Vangelis Marinakis.

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