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Re: Rearranging a data array containing calendrical as well as data entries.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg54867] Re: Rearranging a data array containing calendrical as well as data entries.
  • From: Mark Fisher <mark at>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 05:08:02 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: BellSouth Internet Service
  • References: <d0614i$krg$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

The following code does part of what you want: It reformats the data
into date/value pairs such as

{{{1991, 1, 1}, 489.82},
{1991, 1, 2}, 489.82},
{1991, 1, 3}, 495.01},
... }

(* using Version 5.1 *)
stringlines =
(* convert strings to numbers *)
lines = ToExpression[Flatten /@
     Transpose[{StringTake[stringlines, 4],
     StringCases[StringDrop[stringlines, 4], NumberString]}]
(* group into months *)
monthgroups = {#[[1, 1]], Flatten[#[[All, 2]]]} & /@
     Split[{Take[#, 2], Drop[#, 3]} & /@ lines, #1[[1]] == #2[[1]] &];
(* reorganize into day/value pairs *)
pairs = Flatten[Transpose[{Function[x, Append[#[[1]], x]] /@
     Range[Length[#[[2]]]], #[[2]]}] & /@ monthgroups, 1];


Gilmar wrote:

> Dear Mathematica User Friends:
> I have a file containing flow data from the USGS, in the following
> format:
> 1999 1 1 489.82 489.82 495.01 495.01 495.01 495.01 495.01 490.51
> 1999 1 2 490.51 490.51 490.51 490.51 490.38 490.38 490.38 490.38
> 1999 1 3 490.38 510.38 510.38 510.38 510.38 510.38 528.66 528.66
> 1999 1 4 528.66 528.66 528.66 501.68 501.68 501.68 501.68
> 1999 2 1 501.68 496.44 496.44 496.44 496.44 496.44 478.72 478.72
> 1999 2 2 478.72 478.72 478.72 452.82 452.82 452.82 452.82 452.82
> 1999 2 3 450.19 450.19 450.19 450.19 450.19 443.98 443.98 443.98
> 1999 2 4 443.98 443.98 440.14 440.14
> 1999 3 1 440.14 440.14 440.14 453.64 453.64 453.64 453.64 453.64
> 1999 3 2 503.98 503.98 503.98 503.98 503.98 500.84 500.84 500.84
> 1999 3 3 500.84 500.84 473.48 473.48 473.48 473.48 473.48 463.19
> 1999 3 4 463.19 463.19 463.19 463.19 457.54 457.54 457.54
> This format is used by the USGS to compress their data records.
> Each row contains:
> Year, Month Number(1 to 12), Row Number (1 to 4), and data entries.
> The first row:
> 1999 1 1 489.82 489.82 495.01 495.01 495.01 495.01 495.01 490.51
> contains flow values corresponding to: January 1 to January 8,
> of the year 1999.
> The second row:
> 1999 1 2 490.51 490.51 490.51 490.51 490.38 490.38 490.38 490.38
> contains flow values corresponding to: January 9 to January 16,
> of the year 1999.
> The third row:
> 1999 1 3 490.38 510.38 510.38 510.38 510.38 510.38 528.66 528.66
> contains flow values corresponding to: January 17 to January 24,
> of the year 1999.
> The fourth row:
> 1999 1 4 528.66 528.66 528.66 501.68 501.68 501.68 501.68
> contains flow values corresponding to: January 25 to January 31,
> of the year 1999.
> I think that you get the picture of how this data set is assembled.
> What I need is a program that can turn the above mentioned horizontal
> array, into a simple vertical array, containing two columns;
> the first column contains the dates when the data was collected,
> and the second column contains the flow values; i.e.
> 01Jan1999 489.82
> 02Jan1999 489.82
> 03Jan1999 495.01
> etc.
> If I give the program a starting date, and ending date for an
> arbitrary record; the program should be able to allocate two
> arrays to:
> (1.) put the dates between the starting date, and ending date,
> to form the first column of the vertical array.
> (2.)match correctly those dates with the data to appear in
> the second column of the vertical array.
> The program should discern between regular years, and leap
> years.  Those of you that are still using FORTRAN, and have
> experienced how difficult it is to deal with date functions
> using FORTRAN, might sympathize with my request.
> P.S. To get a larger set of USGS flow data to test your program
> please download the following file:
> Thank you for your help!

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