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Re: letrec/named let

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg56751] Re: letrec/named let
  • From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
  • Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 06:01:32 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <d59kvq$6f9$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Daniel Roy wrote:
> hi.  i'm a lisper/schemer and i'm working with mathematica.  i
> appreciate the lisp-like nature of mathematica but i can't seem to
> easily replicate some of the functionality i like which is forcing me to
> write ugly side-effect code.
> for instance, how do you do the equivalent of a "named let" in
> mathematica (NOTE! I know i can take the max of a list, this is just a
> simple example of a named let)
> (define (max-of-list lst)
>   (let loop ((lst (cdr lst))
>              (best (car lst)))
>     (if (null? lst)
>         best
>         (loop (cdr lst)              
>               (if (> (car lst) best)
>                   (car lst)
>                   best)))))
> (max-of-list '(1 2 3 4 5 2))

Translating this one to one into Mathematica would yield something
awkward as:

maxOfList[lst_] := Module[{loop},
  loop = Function[{rst, best},
    If[rst == {},
      loop[Rest[rst], If[First[rst] > best, First[rst], best]]]];
  loop[Rest[lst], First[lst]]

maxOfList[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2}]


This function has no side effects (despite wasting time ;-) ).

> Here is a mathematica function to compress a sequence numerically.  
> here is one attempt using functions where i pass the function to
> itself... there has to be a better way
> CompressNumericalSequence[S_] := Module[
>       {C = Function[{C, R, i},
>             If[i < Max[R],
>               If[Length[Position[R, i]] == 0,
>                 C[C, (If[# > i, # - 1, #]) & /@ R, i],
>                 C[C, R, i + 1]],
>               R]]},
>       C[C, S, 1]];
> CompressNumericalSequence[{10, 2, 4, 7, 8}]
> {5, 1, 2, 3, 4}

You always give C as first argument; so it is superflous.
Pleas note, that C is reserved:
"C[i] is the default form for the ith parameter or constant
generated in representing the results of various symbolic


but this will fail for big numbers unless you set $IterationLimit
appropriate. Hence,

CNS[lst_] := lst /. (Thread[#1 -> Ordering[Ordering[#1]]] & )[
     Module[{f}, f[x_] := (f[x] = Sequence[]; x); f /@ lst]];

or even better

CNS[lst_] := Module[{tmp = First /@ Split[Sort[lst]]},
   Flatten[(Position[tmp, #1] & ) /@ lst]]

would do the task more reliable (and much more faster).

> Also, is it possible to do letrec in mathematica?  (essentially, i know
> i can do recursive function declarations at the top level... my question
> is whether i can do them at lower levels?)... 
> thanks, dan

If i understand this (german) article
correctly, letrec is just another form of a "named lambda". This is what
 the "fC=Function[{},...]" above does. Or am I wrong? The Mathematica
help topic "Function" might be of interest.


Peter Pein

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