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Re: InterpolatingFunctionAnatomy.m

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg57086] Re: InterpolatingFunctionAnatomy.m
  • From: Mark Fisher <mark at>
  • Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 03:03:40 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <d614l5$ni0$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

All interpolatingfunctionanatomy.m contains is a bunch of "wrapper" 
defintions for InterpolatingFunction extractors defined within the 
Context "DifferentialEquations`InterpolatingFunctionAnatomy`".

Given an InterpolatingFunction ifun, here is the syntax:


where string is one of the following:


For example, one could define
InterpolatingFunctionDomain[ifun_InterpolatingFunction] := 	


Chrisantha wrote:

> Dear All,
> Can anyone possible send me the interpolatingfunctionanatomy .m file. I 
> have Mathematica 5.0 only. I am running a simulation of chemical 
> kinetics, and need the volume to be changed at each timestep which then 
> scales the concentrations. This means as far as I am aware that I will 
> have to use the EventLocator controller.
> In my system of dif equations I have
> X'[t] = (bla bla ... )
> V'[t] = (k X[t] )
> At each timestep I need to scale X[t] by the ratio of (V[t]/V[t+1])  
> because V is the volume of the cell that the chemical X is in, and X 
> increases this volume. Therefore, X[t] has to be reduced by a ratio of 
> the previous volume to the current volume. I can only think of doing 
> this by having an event detect when the volume increases by a fixed 
> amount, and catching that event,. and then rescaling X'[t] and 
> restaring NDSolve from there. I think the EventLocator can do this 
> automatically. Is there a better way to do this?
> Yours ever,
> Chrisantha Fernando

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