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Re: Please explain this error message. I typed the code right out of the text.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg57304] Re: Please explain this error message. I typed the code right out of the text.
  • From: Gareth Russell <gjr2008 at>
  • Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 05:12:42 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Columbia University
  • References: <d6rtlq$46m$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


To answer your first question, if you click on "More", it should take 
you to the relevant entry in the Help Browser. If it doesn't, there is 
something wrong with your installation.

In your example, the reason that the Show[] command didn't work is that 
your previous commands didn't evaluate properly (you can tell this 
because the output of the Show[] command contains the unevaluated 
earlier commands, rather than the Graphics objects you would get if 
they had evaluated correctly.

I can't test your example because it doesn't include the definition of f.


On 2005-05-23 02:36:42 -0400, Bookreader <bookreader127 at> said:

> Following is my input directly from the text and the output returned.
> I am using Mathematica Version 5.0.
> How can I find a list of error messages and their meanings?
> What does this particular error message mean?
> After the error message is "more ..."
> I infer that there is more information available.  If so, how do I
> access it?
> I looked in the online help and there is no entry for error messages.
> Thanks for your help.
> In[23]:=
> << Graphics`SurfaceOfRevolution`;
> In[24]:=
> main = SurfaceOfRevolution[f[x], {x, 0, 3.1},
>       RevolutionAxis \[Rule] {1, 0, 0}, PlotPoints\[Rule] {20, 30}];
> In[25]:=
> cap = SurfaceOfRevolution[f[x], {x, 3.1, 3.25},
>       RevolutionAxis \[Rule] {1, 0, 0}, PlotPoints\[Rule] {5, 30}];
> In[29]:=
> Show[main, cap]
> From In[29]:=
> Show::gcomb:    An error was encountered in
>      combining the graphics
>      objects in Show[<<2>>]
>     . More?
> Out[29]=
> Show[SurfaceOfRevolution[f[x],     {x, 0, 3.1},     RevolutionAxis ->   
>    {1, 0, 0},     PlotPoints -> {20, 30}],    SurfaceOfRevolution[f[x], 
>     {x, 3.1, 3.25},     RevolutionAxis ->      {1, 0, 0},     
> PlotPoints -> {5, 30}]]

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