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Re: Re: Mathematica 1

On 11/6/05, Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at> wrote:

> Since Mathematica is a lot older than both Windows (any version) and
> Linux it would be pretty remarkable if version 1 worked under these.
> But who knows.
> I once had version 1.2 for the Mac, but I used it on a 68K Mac II.
> Mathematica itself came on floppy disks and even if still had them
> (which I do not) it certainly would not run on any modern Mac. I
> think your best bet is to find a first generation Next machine that
> came with Mathematica pre-installed. They may not be so cheap though
> since I suppose they must now have some historic value...

There are emulators for the 68k Macintosh, and they could work, if you
could find somewhere to open Macintosh floppies: I see somewhere that
1.44MB Mac floppies open in PC's, but 800K floppies won't.

Look at .
And apparently, Mathematica runs in ARDI's Executor:

And if Mathematica 1 ran on DOS, I think VMware would be up to the job
of running it.

But I am unsure; I started using Mathematica on version 4.0.
Thanks/obrigado, Renan "Wishmaster" Birck - Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
MSN: wizard_of_yendor at

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